Once upon a winter moon, Olov tossed a loaf of bread and a few scraps of ham at his brother’s feet. Not because he was kind or noble, but because
2022 has amazing things in store for all of us, so my Darkling’s there’s a lot to be excited about, especially from March 2022 onwards. Of course, things don’t always

New Year’s Resolution Smeshalution

The New Year is slowly nearing, and with the holiday season, Yule,  having just passed, many people are indulging in retrospection and reevaluating some of their life choices. New Year’s

Full Moon in Gemini 10:35 pm 12/2021

The Full Moon in Gemini is here to bring forth all kinds of news and verbal epiphanies. No other sign is as curious and communication driven as the intellectual Gemini

The faeries in the lake

Huw didn’t go to school like the other boys his age. His lessons came from the land. Huw didn’t fight or roughhouse like the lads at the tavern. He played

Moon Ritual December

This ritual can be done anytime in December but is best done between the 15th-25th. You will need: Cleansing tool of choice (eg. dried herb bundles, oils, incense, etc.)  I

December 2021 Monthly Forecast

My Dear Darkling’s welcome to the most action packed month, December 2021!  Yule and Christmas…I don’t know about you but I like to celebrate both?  I have always been head
On December 19th, Venus turns retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn- January 28th/29th when she turns direct again at 11 degrees of Capricorn. This will be a major and deeply

November 2021 Monthly Forecast

November 2021 is sure to be a month to remember.  Ready or not – My Darkling’s, November 2021 may be the month when you will be swept off your feet.

Stingy Jack- Ghost Story

Stingy Jack was a rude man. He was dishonest, short-tempered, and regularly cursed at his neighbors, children, and anyone who dared bid him hello. To make matters worse, he was