Intersting stories about the metaphysical world, old wives tales.

The Witch of Yazoo

Gather round for a ghost story about the Witch of Yazoo… The city of Yazoo is known for its historic architecture, fertile basin, and 188-mile river running parallel to the

Cancer — A random story of healing

I have a story to share— no disrespect intended to anyone with a cancer diagnosis as I can only imagine, the sober look on a doctor’s face as they relay


Once upon a winter moon, Olov tossed a loaf of bread and a few scraps of ham at his brother’s feet. Not because he was kind or noble, but because

The faeries in the lake

Huw didn’t go to school like the other boys his age. His lessons came from the land. Huw didn’t fight or roughhouse like the lads at the tavern. He played

Stingy Jack- Ghost Story

Stingy Jack was a rude man. He was dishonest, short-tempered, and regularly cursed at his neighbors, children, and anyone who dared bid him hello. To make matters worse, he was

The 7th Barn

A little over a century ago, somewhere near Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, a husband and wife were awaiting the arrival of their first child. They were a wealthy couple and had

The Dark Watchers

When Olive Hamilton was on her way to school, she would often leave a pile of fruit and nuts where the road met the Santa Lucia mountains. On her trip


There is an old Irish saying (several, in fact) that suggest butterflies are not mere insects. But you probably already knew that. Because if you’ve ever watched a Monarch, a

Advice from Grandmother

Advice from the Grandmother Cure yourself, with the light of the Sun and the rays of the Moon. With the Sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying


Me: hello goddess Goddess: Hello … Me: I’m falling apart. Can you get me back together? Goddess: I would rather not. Me: Because I? Goddess: Because you are not a