If you have ever worked with me you have heard me use the term; Shadow work. It is emotional healing; I also like to use the terms, “Down the Rabbit Hole, or Peel the onion.” But no matter what you call it it is Emotional Healing.
Shadow work: Steps to emotional healing is something that everyone needs to do at some point in their lives and most likely multiple times for multiple issues. It is freeing and empowering to heal. The following steps will guide you through the process and provide resources for healing.
Embrace the journey and see where it takes you. You may be surprised and thrilled at the difference it can make.
Steps to Shadow Work: Emotional Healing
Step 1: AWARENESS – First and foremost you must realize that there is a problem to be dealt with. You need to recognize that something is not right in your life.
Step 2: DESIRE – Secondly, you must truly have the desire to heal or there will not be enough motivation for you to move forward.
If you are lacking in desire, there may be a reason why you may not want to heal or why you are avoiding healing emotionally. If this is the case, you will want to work on the underlying reason before moving on. You can do this by using EFT Tapping, the Emotion Code , reading self help books ( I have a few suggestions), Watching I’m Enough or by scheduling a session with me.
Step 3: ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY – Quit blaming others or circumstances. Remove yourself from the “Blame Game.” It is time to look inward, not outward. Get out of the victim mode. It serves no purpose and is detrimental to progressing forward.
Step 4: PRAY – All progress will be magnified if you include a loving Higher Source in the process and ask for ‘its’ assistance.
Step 5: IDENTIFY – What is it that needs to be healed? Do you have an anger problem? Fear? Feeling unworthy? Feeling worthless? Ignored? Unwanted? Fill in the blank…you get the idea.
Look at others as a mirror. Notice what you criticize in others and then ask yourself, “Am I acting in a similar manner and I don’t like that about myself? Is it triggering something from my past?”
If you have a physical pain or illness, find out what the emotional connection is. There is a definite connection. Your body is trying to tell you something and if it has reached the physical level – It is important!
Step 6: FORGIVE – Be willing to offer forgiveness to others and also to yourself. Forgiveness is a huge issue when it comes to physical healing as well because of the physical emotional connection. Forgiving yourself is a biggie!
Step 7: RESOLVE – Get to work and resolve the issue. There are so many ways to do this! Choose one of the Shadow Work techniques and get to work. Consider getting help by scheduling a session with me.
Step 8: GRATITUDE – There is nothing like gratitude to keep positive energy open and flowing to you. Express gratitude over every little bit of progress and even express gratitude for the challenging experiences and circumstances of life. Life is a learning journey after all and these experiences are your teachers. I have a free abundance course just email me for information.
Want to find out what your Astrological Horscope Forecast for the year is?.
If you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the stars. You can always find this information in my group on Face book. Join The Lighthouse Group on Facebook. (Always under the Announcement tab.)
Check out some of my other Blogs, on Journaling, Journaling, Grounding & Shadow Work, Shadow Work, Shadow work: Steps to emotional Healing .
I also provide Protection DIY Kits & Spell Kits. Email me for more information.
Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.