Spending time with trees, (whether you choose to hug them or not) will help you to receive healing, balancing, and grounding just by being in their presence. When you are in the presence of a tree your energy can actually merge with that of the tree for a moment, which will have an incredibly positive effect on your energy.
Whenever I’m feeling out of sorts, I can usually quickly shift back into a positive vibration with a walk through the forest, a quick meditation under a tree, or as my family fondly refers to me… A tree hugger, I do love to hug trees.
You too can tune into the grounding, shielding and clearing help from the trees.
Tap Into The Healing Power of the Trees
To tap into the healing energy of the trees, the easiest way is to get outside in the presence of trees, and ask the trees to help you. When you ask for healing, guidance, or grounding, pay attention to your intuition to determine the tree which is calling out to you.
Sit under the tree that calls out to you. Place your back against it if you can… You can also stand in front and place your palms on the trunk. Close your eyes and breathe.
Be patient and listen, as the guidance from trees sometimes comes slowly, but when it does it is incredibly helpful and profound. You may hear guidance from the tree, or receive mental images, which is a common way for trees to communicate.
Open your heart to receive healing from the tree and be willing to let go of what no longer serves you.
Tree healings are powerful, gentle, and incredibly loving. Just as trees transmute carbon dioxide into clean fresh air, trees can gently release pain and density from you, and release it into the light.
As you sit under a tree, visualize any scattered or negative energy you’ve been carrying traveling down the trees roots and dissolving into the light at the core of the earth, or traveling up the trunk into the branches.
If you do Reiki or Energy Healing, offer it to the trees. You can also say a little prayer, offer a blessing, or set a positive intention for you and the tree both.
Next time you walk under a tree, remember, and honor the healing and spiritual power of the trees. And when you do notice a certain tree seems to be calling out to you, quiet your mind, pay attention, and listen for any insight, healing, or blessings it may be sending your way.
Let’s find out what kind of psychic you are so you can start mastering your psychic abilities! (Link)
Maybe you would like to learn how to communicate with your guides? (Link)
If you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the stars. You can always find this information in my group on Face book. Join The Lighthouse Group on Facebook. (Always under the Announcement tab.)
Check out some of my other Blogs, on Journaling, Journaling, Grounding & Shadow Work, Shadow Work, Shadow work: Steps to emotional Healing .
I also provide Protection DIY Kits, Spell Kits designed with the ultimate goal of clearing away negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras of the body and offering a protection spell that lasts 4-6 months! Email me for more information.
Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.
Disclaimer: In no way is my account meant to treat or diagnose any disease. Instead, the information offered is to share my experience and it my hope that others may become better educated on alternative forms of treatment to heal themselves.