February 2022 is an active month of balancing out our mental acuity with our emotional understanding. A lot of changes will begin to occur this month after lots of stalling and lack of movement. February 2022 wants to offer you glimpses of hope and at the same time to remind you that this begins first within. This february energy wants you to find a new level of perseverance and strength from your own connection to your inner power and wisdom. There is an immense heart activation this month. It is up to each of us to access this in our own way and in our own time. February will help to straighten out communication issues, have us tap into the power of our entrepreneurial spirit, and have us come back to a place of limitless compassion and understanding for our own journey and the journey of others.
My Darkling’s do not dispair these challenging times are not in vain. There is light and beauty around the corner and that is where we will begin this month’s forecast.
February 1st, 2022 – New Moon In Aquarius
On February 1st, also happens to be the Chinese New Year( the Water Tiger, which hasn’t happened in 60 years).
This energy will create a sense of freedom and at the same time a sense of unity. A contradiction of sorts, freedom, inclusion & belonging.
This New Moon will bring to the forefront some 2021 themes like Covid restrictions. From March onwards we will have much friendlier themes to work with.
So, my darklings, it is time you tap into the power and presence of your deepest dreams and wishes. It is time to rise up despite any challenging circumstances and claim your dream with wild abandonment and joy. This new moon wants to help you regain your ability to dream big but at the same time be practical + purposeful. This New Moon is asking for tolerance for our own selves and the tolerance for another. If there ever was a time where this was needed, it is NOW. It is time to look at what the future could look like if we honored ourselves and one another with the same level of respect and acceptance. The New Moon in Aquarius is here to wake you up to your biggest dreams and aspirations, have you stand up for your freedom and to remind you that I am you and you are me… we are one existing separately and together.
Discover what areas to focus on, what to avoid and a mantra, for this Full Moon Energy. EXTENDED SIGN HOROSCOPES FOR YOUR: ASCENDANT, SUN AND MOON SIGNS.
February 4th, 2022 – Mercury Goes Direct
Good news: Mercury goes direct at 24° Capricorn. Not so good news: Mercury stations close to Pluto, so this transit is as intense as you can get.
Of course, Mercury going direct is a great thing, since those topics that got stuck in the last 3 weeks will finally get unstuck. A sense of relief will be felt by all now that we will be able to make solid commitments without the interference of Mercury’s tricks and trials. Expect to see lots of news surrounding big business, government and authority figures in general as those are the areas which Capricorn rules. However, due to Pluto’s scrutinity, we want to be very mindful and truthful in how we move things forward.
February 5th, 2022 – Sun Conjunct Saturn
Sun conjunct Saturn is a serious transit that will test your commitments to your vision.
A conjunction is also a new beginning. We have one Sun-Saturn conjunction every year, and that’s your yearly opportunity to birth a new Saturn project. Saturn projects are any projects where hard work, commitment and mastery are required. (What’s your purpose? I can chart that for you)
February 6th, 2022 – Mars Square Chiron
Tense Chiron aspects trigger our insecurities. We may find it more difficult to assert ourselves, we may second guess our actions, feel clumsy or inadequate.
Of course, Chiron, also brings the opportunity to transform these insecurities into a gift. The square is an invitation to assert ourselves (Mars) with empathy, being conscious of how our actions impact others.
February 11th, 2022 – Mercury Conjunct Pluto
This final Mercury-Pluto conjunction will come with a much-needed resolution and clarity. The conjunction can be experienced either as an empowering revelation, or as a requirement to surrender to a higher truth we’ve turned a blind eye on.
As the saying goes, the truth will set you free – but first, it may piss you off.
February 14th, 2022 – Mercury Reenters Aquarius
If you experienced some delays or setbacks in the 2nd part of January (from January 14th to January 27th) you may now find the much-awaited resolution.
Waiting can feel frustrating at first, but in retrospect, there’s always a reason why we had to put in a bit of extra effort, or wait a bit longer. Good things come to those who wait.
Happy Valentine’s Day My Darkling’s… give the gift of massage!!
February 16th, 2022- (We have quite an active day in the cosmos, 2 major events)
– Venus Conjunct Mars In Capricorn
Something will click. Expect some hot and spicy times of passion and romance. A commitment will be made. This energy will create serious commitments based on practicality and purpose. While that doesn’t sound too sexy or super appealing, we will want to form unions( this could also be professionally) that support long term vision and planning. No half ass unions will suffice when these two meet up in the serious sign of Capricorn.
Pay attention to what happens at the time of the conjunction – these could be insights, events or opportunities that will trigger something inside you – you may become aware of something that is very important to you – suddenly everything will make sense.
– Full Moon In Leo–
Time to shed what’s no longer vital and to find creative ways to express ourselves and our unique gifts and talents.
Being part of a community, fitting into society is of course very important – but not at the expense of who we are. There’s never either, or. Me vs them. We can always find a middle ground if we look hard enough. As your reminded to find your balance, ask yourself What brings you joy?
This Full Moon is here to bring some drama and flair to our relationships. For many of us our focus will be on expanding our heart’s awareness and desires. Many folks could see lively manifestations connected to their creativity and artistic expressions. Tuning into our inner child will also be a big theme with this dramatic full moon. The Full Moon in Leo will be particularly impactful for those folks who have their Sun, Moon or Ascendant( lesser impact for NN/SN) within 3 degrees (+/-) of 27 degrees of Leo. For everyone else, check where 27 degrees of Leo falls in your natal chart to see where you will be finalizing some form of a creative, romantic or artistic component in your life.
February 17th, 2022- Jupiter Sextiles Uranus
This energy will be a beautiful blend of emotional expansion mixed with evolution of our values and resources. A lovely blending of honoring our emotional states with a level head of grounded action. This aspect could enhance certain enterprise around our resources, values and in particular agricultural or even spiritual advancements.
February 18th, 2022 – Sun Enters Pisces
Pisces season officially begins! Happy Birthday all you lovely Piscesans! After a challenging Aquarius season when we’ve been mostly in our minds, the Pisces season is an invitation to get in touch with our emotions and relax into being. We will shift into the etheral and emotional energy, becoming more sensitive and psychic. Check where Pisces falls in your natal chart to see where this energy will be activated for you.
Time to let go of what no longer serves you – keep only what you can’t leave behind.
February 22nd, 2022 – Pluto Return
Pluto takes 248 years to make a whole cycle around the zodiac. In the 1776 Independence chart of the US, Pluto was natally positioned at 27 degrees of Capricorn. Now as transit Pluto in Capricorn returns to the 27 degree on 2/22/22( of all days lol) this is where the US will experience their first Pluto return. As you can see the only entities that experience a Pluto return are countries and businesses that have existed at least 248 years in length. It is rare and it is profound. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death/rebirth, intensity, extremes and trauma. Capricorn is the sign of business, government, obligations, long term planning, hard work and karma. When you mix those together you get a pretty lethal combo. The Pluto return for the US has already been active since Pluto takes his time to transit a sign and he has been pretty close to this 27 degree for a few months. The Pluto return for the US indicates radical structural + infrastructural transformation. This aspect will be exact on 2/22 but will be in effect essentially all of 2022.
Expect to see major and life altering transformations continue within the US that have to do with power, control and authority. I will be doing a more in depth article, in a couple weeks to explain more including an extended sign horoscope prediction so you can follow your own transformations alongside the US’s.
February 26th-27th, 2022 – Capricorn Stellium
The Venus-Mars-Vesta-Moon-Pluto encounter is so intense, that transformation is inevitable. By the time Venus and Mars are out of the underworld (on March 6th, 2022) you will no longer be the same person you were before you began this journey.
If you have planets or angles between 23 and 28 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra you will experience this energy at an even more intense level.
Want to find out what your Astrological Horscope Forecast for 2022.
If you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the stars. You can always find this information in my group on Face book. Join The Lighthouse Group on Facebook. (Always under the Announcement tab.)
Check out some of my other Blogs, on Journaling, Journaling, Grounding & Shadow Work, Shadow Work, Shadow work: Steps to emotional Healing .
I also provide Protection DIY Kits, Spell Kits designed with the ultimate goal of clearing away negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras of the body and offering a protection spell that lasts 4-6 months!Email me for more information.
Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.
[…] you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the […]