Are you having a hard time letting go of old ways of thinking that are holding you back from new ways of thinking and being. Are you feeling super drained and tired. This is a great opportunity to pull out your journal! Write and reflect on what you were fortunate enough to receive today!
Insight is a critical part of any spiritual practice because it is through insight that we learn about ourselves and understand where and why we may not be fully integrating our intentions into our inner being and changing our lives or creating the future we’ve been dreaming of.
Doing Shadow Work is exactly the insightful work we all need on an ongoing basis.
Shadow work is the act of considering the parts of ourselves that aren’t pretty. It’s understanding that they are actually what makes us whole and by ignoring them or pretending that they aren’t there, we are only holding ourselves back from growing and manifesting.
Shadow work can feel hard to do because there are so many mixed messages about how to do it and most people that we are sharing this world with aren’t actively doing the deep work that is exploring one’s shadow. It can feel like swimming upstream to be the only one in your circle of people who is doing the important work of self reflection.
Shadow work can also feel difficult because we are drudging up long buried memories, the bits of ourselves that we are ashamed of, and facing that which is uncomfortable to face.
By now you may be thinking, okay, so what do I do? How do I do it?
You can do shadow work just by pausing before reacting. Considering what you were about to say and why. It can be that easy. It can also look like working with a lunar cycle or your energy centers to consider a moment from your past and how you can reconsider that moment as a moment of strength instead of one of weakness. It can look like apologizing to yourself or others.
Shadow Work begins with grounding. Grounding is the act of connecting one’s own energy to the earth. The act of grounding will help keep you focused, balanced, and present. How can you tell that you are ungrounded? Here are some ways:
- You’re feeling like a spectator in your own life
- You’re feeling lightheaded
- You have trouble forming connections with people
- You are unfocused
- You are very anxious or jittery
How did you get to this ungrounded point? Here are some common reasons we find ourselves ungrounded:
- Too much time indoors
- Too much time on electronics
- Not spending enough time with people
- A poor diet
- Overthinking
- Anxiety and stress
Is any of this resonating with you? Don’t fret, my darkling, I also have plenty of tips for you to ground yourself! Have you read the importance of grounding? Along with getting outside, you can use herbs, fruits and vegetables to help ground yourself! If you have plants, water them! The act of caring for something has a way of bringing positivity into ourselves. Indulge in a cinnamon or ginger tea, as both herbs are great for warding off bacteria and soothing for our bodies! Rosemary and chamomile are some other great options for soothing and comforting our bodies for grounding!
Other than grounding, what else can we do to prepare for Shadow Work? Well, we can strengthen our connection to self. When we aren’t taking care of ourselves, it becomes very difficult to get to a place of self-love and self-connection! How can we rectify this? Let’s start with a journal exercise!
Pull out some paper and a pen and write down what your perfect day looks like. What’s holding you back from having this day? How can you make it happen for yourself? Now pull out your calendar and schedule that perfect day in because you deserve it! Part of self-love and connection is recognizing that you deserve happiness and abundance just as much as anyone else! You can use several herbs for self-love as well! You can draw a ritual bath with rose petals and vanilla scented candles. Submerge yourself in the water and just relax, let yourself luxuriate and appreciate that you’ve taken this time for yourself. You can also include a couple drops of a diluted essential oil, like lavender or rose, and some Epsom salts to really up the ante! Bring along a good book or some soothing music too!
Now, depending on what you’re needing to focus on with your Shadow Work, you might need to also take some time to do some work with your family. Sometimes family members can be a source of deep insecurity or fear. For example, maybe you have a very well-loved brother. Someone who made a lot of friends very easily and always was the center of the group. You, who is shy and introverted and doesn’t make friends quite as easily, are jealous. You get older, the two of you grow closer and you begin to share friends- your little group combines with his big group, and everyone has a great time. Until your little group of friends become less of your friends and more of his friends. And you’re jealous, you’re feeling inferior. This feeling of inferiority follows you and effects other aspects of your life. This is something that can definitely be addressed with Shadow Work. Its not your brother’s fault that he was charismatic, and he likely never meant for you to feel that way, so it’s something for you to work on within yourself. A good start would be taking some time to address these familial bonds and heal that relationship!
Consider making a tea blend, homemade soap, or a candle for your family member. While you’re crafting, use herbs and inspire love, connection, and grounding. Think deeply about your intentions as you’re creating your product, so when in use your intentions can begin reaching them!
There is no one way to do shadow work. It’s the act of seeing the parts of self that you’d rather not see, understanding the story of those parts, and working to write a different future for yourself based on what you’ve learned.
Always remember that there is no shame in putting a pause to your shadow work, too. Some memories are best explored with the help of a therapist or other professional. Some you may not be ready to recall. That is all okay and perfectly normal (if there is such a thing as normal!). Your shadow work can be about the relationship you have with your body or your cluttered work desk. Or, it can be a whole process of digging into your relationship with your parents. There is no too big or too small in shadow work.
Insight comes after intention and integration and is the third key to creating a life filled with possibility, delight, and enchantment.
Want to find out what your Astrological Horscope Forecast for 2022.
If you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the stars. You can always find this information in my group on Face book. Join The Lighthouse Group on Facebook. (Always under the Announcement tab.)
Check out some of my other Blogs, on Journaling, Journaling, Grounding & Shadow Work, Shadow Work, Shadow work: Steps to emotional Healing .
I also provide Protection DIY Kits, Spell Kits designed with the ultimate goal of clearing away negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras of the body and offering a protection spell that lasts 4-6 months! Email me for more information.
Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.
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