On March 28th, 2021 we will have a Full Moon in Libra opposite the planets in Aries, this is going to be one of the most intense Full Moons of the year. This full moon energy will create a conflict between our need to be in relationships and our need to be true to ourselves. A time of deep desires, deep thinking, deep emotion, but perhaps also some deep frustrations. It is also a time for opportunities and optimism with some energies that could really help you to move on with your goals, relationships, careers and business.
Look at it like this~
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and it is a symbol for “Me”. A healthy focus on “Me” is vital to our survival. You need to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. But too much focus on “Me”, and we never grow up. Without a partner, without a “mirror”, we can get stuck in our bubble. The fear of losing our identity can make us afraid of relationships, and even when we get involved with someone, we tend to dominate them so we can get things “our way”.
Libra is the sign of “The Other”. Having relationships with other people – any type of relationship – is a vital survival skill. However, too much focus on our partners (Libra) and we lose ourselves, and stop trusting our instincts (Aries). When we rely too much on other people we develop codependency issues.
Of course, a healthy balance between Me and the Other is key. So How do we find that? A Full Moon in Libra by itself does a pretty good job at reconciling the “Me vs. Other” conflict. But the Sun-Venus-Chiron conjunction in Aries will take this process one level deeper, by helping us get to the root of our wounding.
Remember the path to wholeness is not a solo-journey. In fact, we can only find out who we are when we interact with other people. We learn about ourselves and about the world through our one-on-one relationships.
We are built to find wholeness through others, and this Full Moon this month will give us a profound understanding of what it means to be “whole”. This full moon energy is asking us to “get real” and show up as we are – without masks or filters. Recognize the power of love but also that this source is not dependent on anyone other than yourself and the divine. While relationships are beautiful and meaningful, they start from our own stance of self-love and respect. If you do not honor your love, how can you create a healthy love with another? This ‘energy’ wants you to find the sacred feminine and sacred masculinity within. Think of it like Ying-yang. This comes after you acknowledge and make peace with the distorted femininity and masculinity. One does not replace the other. One evolves into the other with the greatest healing power on the planet, LOVE.
To access your extended horoscope predictions for your; Ascendant/Sun/Moon, please (click here. (Only $2) I also accept Venmo Mia Hudson@ Amelia-Hudson-5.
To see how 2021 will impact your sign specifically, click the link to access Astro-Mia’s Horoscope For the year 2021. Click here.
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Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.