The legend of La Llorona, or “The Weeping Woman”, has haunted the lands of Latin America for centuries—emerging time and time again in various incarnations. Some say, the myth began in the time of the Aztec Gods and Goddesses—a story of divine horror and tragedy. While others say that “The Weeping Woman” wasn’t a holy figure betrayed, but a poor woman living in a small rural village who could never have expected what was about to come next. In this particular legend, the woman—named Maria—was a great beauty, but came from a poor family in a poor village. She had accepted her life would never be anything beyond that. Until one day, a wealthy stranger came to town and found himself immediately struck by Maria’s stunning beauty. He knew he must have her, and proposed to the poor sweet Maria right on the spot. And Maria, of course, said yes! The two quickly married, with Maria’s family overjoyed by their turn in fortune! The two new lovers built a brand new home in that poor village to live out their blessed and bright days. The newlyweds were enjoying the bliss of marriage—and even though her husband had to travel often for work, when he returned there was nothing but love between the couple. Now, shortly into their marriage, Maria became pregnant with a son. And not long after giving birth to their son, she became pregnant again, but this time with a daughter! But one day, the happy family didn’t seem so happy anymore. The husband traveled longer and longer for work—returning home exhausted and disinterested in his wife and children. This continued for years, much to the helpless misery of Maria. She knew her husband hated his life here in the village. He was no longer as enchanted by Maria as he used to be. And her fears were confirmed when one day her husband returned from his trips with a younger woman on his arm. He gathered his things—never sparing a single glace towards Maria—bid his children goodbye, and walked out the door of his home forever. And now here stood Maria.
Husbandless. Alone. Poor once again, but with two children at her side.
She was devastated.
And an unbearable grief took hold of Maria’s heart. What was she supposed to do now? Why wasn’t she good enough to keep his love?
What was going to happen now that she was all alone? In her wrenching grief and blinding rage, Maria took hold of her children—one in each hand—and dragged them to the river behind her house. And in what could only be called a sweep of manic rage, Maria threw her children into the river—drowning them in mere moments.
When she realized what she had done, Maria collapsed onto the river’s edge and wailed out in mourning. She screamed and searched through the river’s raging waters to find her children’s bodies.
But Maria had no such luck.
The river had swept away her kids—leaving Maria truly alone.
And Maria? Well, she couldn’t handle that. She couldn’t handle that at all.
It wouldn’t be until days later, that the townspeople would find Maria’s body—dead from suicide—and laying along the the banks. The poor woman couldn’t live with what she had done.
Now, they say that after Maria died, she was turned away from the gates of Heaven. It is said that they wouldn’t let her in until she could recover the bodies of her murdered children—allowing the young souls to be at peace too. So that, is how they say, the ghost of “The Weeping Woman” came to be. The wailing woman in white, crying out for her lost children along the banks of rivers and the edges of crossroads. They say that if you hear her wailing, to run the other way. For her cries bring nothing but misfortune and death. They say too, to keep a close eye on your children.
For if “The Weeping Woman” sees them, she might take them—mistaking your children for her own.
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