The chakras are a blueprint for your own self-care. Chakras are energy centers. Although most people have heard of seven chakras, there are actually 114 in the body. The human body is a complex energy form; in addition to the 114 chakras, it also has 72,000 “nadis,” or energy channels, along which vital energy, or “prana,” moves. The most direct way to use the chakras is to learn how each one is associated with an element in nature. The first five chakras are associated with the physical elements earth, water, fire, air, and ether (or space). The last two chakras are thought to connect us beyond the earthly realm, so they are associated with the elements of light and cosmic energy. The word chakras means “plexus,” “wheel,” or “vortex.” It refers to a number of centers in the subtle anatomy of the human being, with each center corresponding to a different level of consciousness. Chakras are known by various names, including pranic centers, psychic centers, psycho-energetic centers, and cerebrospinal centers.
I tend to concentrate on between 7-11 major chakras when I am doing my energy healing work.
There are ton’s of books written articles and search sites about the chakras. However, you are probably visiting this blog, because I have sent you here to read up on a certain Chakras that pertains to your own healing session. Below you will find the 7 major chakras, and a little bit of information I think is important for your to understand, during your healing journey.
Check out a Healing Energy Candles I make personally for each Chakra, Or the Reclaiming Your Energy Sea Salt Soap.
Check out some of my other Blogs, Art of Scrying, Sigils & How to Make Them, Conjuring Magick, Grounding and so many others.
In conclusion I want to share , this video clip from a children’s TV show, to me it is the best way to explain the Chakras.
Crown Chakra
The Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra. The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a thousand petals.
Located at the top of your head, the Crown Chakra is the body’s main connection to higher pure consciousness and inner wisdom. It primarily governs our sense of presence and divine awareness.
Physically: The crown is connected with meditation.
Emotionally: The crown is associated with “being-ness”
Mentally: It is connected with unity, yourself, others and the universe.
Spiritually: associated with our connection to the divine.
When your Crown Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Loss of meaning in life
- Disconnected from spiritual awareness
- Close-mindedness
- Lack of joy
- Inability to see the bigger picture
- Self-centered thoughts
When your Crown Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Obsessive thoughts
- Feeling un-grounded
- Disconnected from body
- Neglecting physical responsibilities
- Excessive egotism
- Delusional thoughts
When your Crown Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Easily access higher wisdom
- Can commune with higher states of consciousness
- Find it easy to remain present
- Feel deep joy and bliss in the moment
- Are balanced in body and spirit
How to Balance the Crown Chakra:
- Surround yourself with violet—wear violet colored clothing or hang a violet colored wall hanging to activate and inspire your Crown Chakra
- Chant “AUM”: pronounced as “ohmmmm”—the mantra that rules the Crown Chakra (and the Third Eye)
- Eat Crown Chakra resonant foods: light broths, red grapes, herbal teas
- Commit to a Deep Spiritual Practice
- Meditate
- Use affirmations such as, “I am one with the Divine”, “I trust the wisdom of the Universe”, and “I am balanced in both spirit and body”
Crown Chakra Morning Ritual: while in the shower or washing your face imagine the water as universal love energy pouring over you. You ARE connected with all that is and are an important energy body, don’t forget it! Maybe even throw it back to 2000 and put on some glittery makeup, wear something sparkly, or paint your nails in a sparkly glittery hue to remind you of the beautiful energy of the universe that is just as sparkly as you are.
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
The Crown Chakra is representative of transcendence and connection with All That Is. It is the culmination of all the energy flowing before and beneath it. In our work with Tarot and Moon Signs, consider this the melding of all the Zodiac Signs and all the Tarot cards into one big energy ball of light. This is your Crown Chakra. Envisioning and feeling into this collective force can be powerful (and sometimes overwhelming).
Working with the Chakras as a modern witchy woman doesn’t have to be complicated and doesn’t have to include a million different tools. A Tarot deck and the Moon is all you really need to start exploring your own energy and clear up some of the internal gunk that might be holding you back in life.
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: selenite, clear or rose quartz, diamond, amethyst, moonstone, sugilite, fluorite
The crown chakra is linked to Divine Consciousness and cosmic connection and vibrates a light purple to white color. White, clear and purple stones will work well for unblocking . while laying down, hold a crystal to the top of your head or while meditating.
The Ajna, Third Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra, The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a two petals.
Located just above your eyebrows in the center of your forehead, the Third Eye Chakra is the body’s main intuitive center. It primarily governs our perceptions and our clarity of sight and thought, your ability to see and plan the future.
Physically: The crown is associated with absorption of light.
Emotionally: The crown is connected with clarity and intuition.
Mentally: It is connected with the concept of wisdom.
Spiritually: Connected with perception.
When your Third Eye Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Difficulty seeing the bigger picture
- Feeling disconnected from intuition
- Rejection of the spiritual, mystical, and “beyond normal” experiences
- Difficulty connecting to inner wisdom
- Overly logical
- Lack of open-mindedness
- Stubborn or arrogant attitude
When your Third Eye Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Obsession with fantasy
- Often lost in thought
- Highly emotionally reactive
- Ego caught up in psychic powers and mystic ability
- Chronic escapism
- Overly dreamy and un-tethered to reality
- Difficulty focusing and making decisive choices
When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Are deeply self-aware
- Easily make wise decisions grounded in reality
- Can clearly tap into your intuition
- Are not limited by the logical mind
- Have a deep connection to inspiration and clarity
How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra:
Surround yourself with indigo—wear indigo colored clothing or hang an indigo colored wall hanging to activate and inspire your Third Eye Chakra
Chant “AUM”: pronounced as “ohmmmm”—the mantra that rules the Third Eye Chakra
Eat Third Eye resonant foods: blackberries, prunes, figs, raisins, dark chocolate, purple cabbage, and purple potatoes
Practice “Moon Gazing”—spend time directly gazing at the light of the moon
Meditate—sit in silence and meditate to clear and activate this Chakra
Use affirmations such as, “I trust the guidance I am given – it is safe for me to see the truth”, “I am connected to the universe and grounded in this body”, and “My life flows effortlessly”
Third Eye Chakra Morning Ritual: Sit with your hands in your lap, palms to the sky. Gaze down at your hands (sort of lazily like you aren’t really paying attention to them) and ask what it is that you need to know for the day. You may experience an answer and you may not. But you’ve opened the invitation to HEAR what you need to know and over time this will be easier and easier to identify.
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
Intuition, knowing, and feeling are a few words to describe the action that occurs at our Third Eye Chakra. I’ve left the entire Major Arcana for this energy center. Now, each and every one of the Major Arcana cards could easily be paired with other energy centers. Here I want you to look at the Major Arcana as all of the experiences we’ve had and ever will have as embedded in our knowing. These events, whether they have been lived in this lifetime or not, are what enable us to understand those gut feelings or hear Spirit and relay a message even if it is one of an experience that we haven’t yet lived. Choose a Major Arcana card at random and just ask the question, how does this apply to my life right now? Allow your intuition to speak for you.
Leo and Cancer are two remaining Zodiac Signs and the two that we are associating with the Third Eye Chakra. Leo is confident, present, and loves to be seen (which also lends this Sign well to working with the Solar Plexus Chakra). For most people, hearing and acting upon intuition comes down to confidence and trust. We tend to shy away from sharing what we know to be true intuitively because it feels hard to explain or we worry about what others will think. What if we aren’t correct? What if we fail? Hard stuff! Leo marches forward without worrying about these things too much and I encourage you to do the same! Cancer is the home Sign for the Moon and lends itself to FEELING in a big way. Intuition and intuitive insights can be heightened under a Cancer Moon. [I’ve got 3 Psychic Tips for you if you’re looking to strengthen this area!]
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: amethyst, sugilite, lapis lazuli, tigers eye, sapphire, labradorite, kyanite, fluorite
The third eye chakra is purple to blue in color and therefore all purple and dark blue crystals help to realign it. Place a crystal over your third eye while laying down and feel its divine vibrations blessing you with intuition and psychic abilities.
The Visuddha, or Throat Chakra. The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a sixteen petals.
Located at the base of the neck, the Throat Chakra is the body’s primary truth and expression center. It primarily governs our communication and speech.
Physically: The crown is connected with idea of communication.
Emotionally: Connected with the idea of independence.
Mentally: It is connected fluent thought.
Spiritually: Connected with the sense of security.
When your Throat Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Timid speech
- Fear of speaking your truth
- Unable to stand up for yourself
- Difficulty articulating feelings
- Excessive shyness
- Highly secretive behavior
- Feeling like people don’t know the “real you”
When your Throat Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Gossiping
- Difficulty listening to others
- Telling lies
- Over-opinionated
- Highly critical and judgmental of others
- Speaking inappropriately
- Not keeping your word
When your Throat Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Easily and clearly speak your truth
- Have good communication skills
- Balance speaking and listening
- Are deeply connected with your authentic being
- Are mindful of your words and their effect
How to Balance the Throat Chakra:
- Use sound healing—either by you (singing, chanting, and humming) or with an instrument (singing bowl, tuning forks, drums).
- Chant “HAM”: pronounced as “haaaaahm”—the mantra that rules the Throat Chakra
- Eat blue foods: blueberries, blackberries, plums, figs, currants
- Practice breath work methods (such as breath of fire).
- Meditate.
- Use affirmations such as, “I speak confidently and with ease”, “My authentic truth is my greatest power”, and “I love to share my truth—and I know when it’s time to listen.”
Throat Chakra Morning Ritual: practice the act of listening (especially if you live with other people). Mornings can be rough. Talk less and listen more. React less and observe more. If you live alone, listen to your body and your thoughts. Communication starts with listening, not speaking. You can’t truly be heard until you learn to hear.
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
The first of the Spiritual Chakras is the Throat Chakra. This is our voice. But, more than our voice, it is our ability to communicate as both speakers and listeners. So often I see people ignore that fact that to be heard we must also listen. Listening to ourselves, others, Spirit, plants, animals, anything at all…listening is what allows us to know what we actually need to see and communicate. When incorporating Tarot into your Chakra energy work, go to the suit of Swords. This suit speaks to our inner voice, thoughts, and ability to communicate with those around us. We are quick to blame others for our lack of voice but it most often comes from our own inner dialogue.
Gemini is known as the chatterbox of the Zodiac and lends itself naturally to Throat Chakra work. Virgo is another Zodiac Sign to tap into when working with this energy center. Virgo is organized, down-to-earth, and clear. Coming back down-to-earth when we are over communicating or finding our footing and putting our words together when under-communicating can make or break the conversations we have with ourselves or others. Sitting with your Throat Chakra under a Virgo Moon might be just the thing you need to get that energy center open and expansive.
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: angelite, sodalite, turquoise, blue calcite, laois lazuli, blue kyanite, aquamarine, larimar
All blue crystals and stones aid in unblocking the throat chakra. The best way to use crystals to unblock your throat chakra is to wear it as a necklace. They vibrate truth, communication and healing vibrations. PLUS the blue stones provide peace and comfort.
The Anahata, or Heart Chakra. The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a twelve petals.
Located in the center of your chest, the Heart Chakra is the body’s love and compassion center. It primarily governs healing, empathy, kindness, and our relationships.
Physically: The crown is connected with circulation.
Emotionally: The crown is connected with unconditional love.
Mentally: It is connected passion.
Spiritually: Connected with devotion to both loved ones and the higher power.
When your Heart Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Excessive isolation
- Crippling anxiety
- Self-critical thoughts
- Numbed emotions
- Feeling lifeless and sluggish
- Passive approach to life
- Lack of empathy
- Restless energy
- Difficulty forgiving or letting go
When your Heart Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Smothering displays of love
- Clinging
- Self-sacrificing behaviors
- Needing others approval and attention
- Playing the role of savior
- Deeply jealous feelings
- Terrified to be alone
When your Heart Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Deeply love and accept yourself (and others)
- Approach your relationships with healthy boundaries
- Easily give and receive love
- Freely feel your emotions (without repression or projection)
When your Heart Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Deeply love and accept yourself (and others)
- Approach your relationships with healthy boundaries
- Easily give and receive love
- Freely feel your emotions (without repression or projection)
How to Balance the Heart Chakra: Try some of Heart Tea.
- Practice a “Loving Kindness” Meditation—begin by sitting in a comfortable position and allowing yourself to feel total loving kindness towards you! And once you feel your own love, then extend that loving kindness towards your loved ones, then those you are neutral towards, and finally towards those you’ve had discord with.
- Chant “YAM”: pronounced as “yaaaaahm”—the mantra that rules the Heart Chakra
- Eat green foods: kiwis, green apples, pears, celery, leafy greens, avocados, zucchini
- Practice chest-opening stretches and yoga poses
- Practice a forgiveness ritual, such as Ho’oponopono—repeat “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you” as you meditate on the person/situation you’re looking to forgive.
Use affirmations such as, “I love myself unconditionally”, “As I connect more deeply with myself, so can I connect more deeply with others”, and “I forgive myself and others – I no longer allow the past to hurt me.”
Heart Chakra Morning Ritual: while in the shower, washing your face, or slapping on some fresh deodorant state three things that you love about yourself. Then, state something that you love about each person that you plan to speak to or connect with during the day (bonus points for trying to find something to love about the people you can’t stand!).
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the physical (lower) Chakras and the spiritual (higher) chakras. It sits right in the middle and reminds us that unconditional love is needed for ourselves, others, and the world around us to truly grow and expand. The suit of Cups in Tarot is centered on emotional experience. How can you open yourself to experience emotions in a way that helps you to better SEE the world around and within you rather than in a way that leaves you feeling like a victim? The Five of Cups and Eight of Cups are the perfect energies to incorporate into your day if you are working toward experiencing emotion rather than being consumed by it.
I invite you to do some Heart Chakra work when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra. Taurus asks us to seek the beautiful things in life. Create spaces that radiate love and warmth. We can do this literally and figuratively. How can you be your own vessel of love and warmth? Libra is the balance seeker of the Zodiac and just as the Heart Chakra is the balance point between the physical and the spiritual, Libra is the sign that challenges you find balance in your own life. If you’re feeling so heavy in your physical life that you can’t see beyond the tangible, allow a Libra Moon to bring you back to center.
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: green calcite, adventurine, peridot, jade, fluorite, emerald, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline, fuchsite, chrysophase
Any green or pink stones and crystals aid in aligning the heart chakra. Watermelon tourmaline is great because it has pink and green colors which balance relationship and self-love qualities.
The Manipura, or Solar Plexus Chakra. The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a ten petals.
Located in the upper part of your belly (which is also known as the solar plexus), the Solar Plexus Chakra is the body’s power center—managing your will power and self-worth. It primarily governs your expression, personal power, motivation, and drive.
Physically: The crown is connected with digestion.
Emotionally: The crown is associated with idea of expansiveness.
Mentally: It is connected with personal growth.
Spiritually: it’s associated with growth in all aspects.
When your Solar Plexus Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Low self-esteem
- Poor will power and self-control
- Low energy
- Feeling powerless and weak
- Unassertive energy
- Deep insecurities
- Struggling to set or maintain boundaries
- Chronic people-pleasing behavior
When your Solar Plexus Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Egotism
- Controlling behavior
- Manipulating others to serve your needs
- Bullying behavior
- Addictive tendencies
- Highly judgmental
- Difficulty hearing other perspectives and ideas
When your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, that means you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Have healthy levels of self-respect, worth, and power
- Maintain firm boundaries
- Take responsibility for your life
- Respond instead of react
- Have a clear sense of self
How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra:
- Release your pent-up emotions—the Solar Plexus is also the seat of our repressed rage. When our power is congested, it’s usually a sign our emotions are too. Spend some time vigorously moving, journaling freely, and healthily expressing yourself to clear these channels.
- Chant “RAM”: pronounced as “raaaaahm”—the sound that rules the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Eat yellow foods: bananas, yellow peppers, corn, sunflower seeds, lemons, butternut squash, turmeric, ginger
- Engage your core—try doing 1-minute planks or joining a Pilates or kickboxing class
- Use aromatherapy—apply lemon essential oil to your pulse points to both relax the senses and freshly energize your emotional system
- Use affirmations such as, “I love and accept myself—I don’t need anybody’s approval but my own.”, “I confidently express myself.”, and “I am worthy of respect.”
Solar Plexus Chakra Morning Ritual: use some lotion, oil, or magically charged water to draw a sun right at your solar plexus center. Say something like, “I am confident, I am strong, I am proud,” while doing it. Bonus points for hanging an image of a sun or a sunflower in your bathroom or putting an image right next to your bed so you can’t forget to do this!
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
Solar Plexus this is our confidence center, our own personal sun. How you shine in the world around you, how “seen” you are willing to be, and how open to expanding your reach in the world is are all connected to this energy center. There are a handful on Tarot cards (especially The Sun!) that are easily connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra and great to work with here. But, since we are keeping it simple in this blog post, I challenge you to consider the Court Cards as your ally when working with Tarot and the Chakras. The Court Cards all represent different energies, different descriptions, different types of people. When you need to shine your light on a situation or stand fully in your confidence, which Court Cards can you turn to for a burst of support or energy? Would channeling the King of Wands be helpful? The Paige of Swords? What do you need right now? Who would it be helpful to have in your corner? Turn to that card, that energy, and connect with it to grow this energy center.
Aries and Scorpio are the two Zodiac Signs that I would suggest working with when doing Solar Plexus work. When the Moon is in Aries we are invited to turn the spotlight onto ourselves. Aries is independent and focuses on what is best for itself. The Solar Plexus Chakra loves the Aries energy of feeling totally confident. Scorpio Moon energy really speaks to me of the Court Cards. Changing up who you need to be at any time, realizing that you aren’t one stagnant energy but are a fluid being with changing needs, and challenging yourself to toss out the old so that you can be the shiniest version of yourself all take confidence. Scorpio Moon energy might be just what you need here.
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: citrine, yellow calcite, yellow quartz, gold tiger’s eye, citrine, pyrite
Yellow and gold stones and crystals are wonderful for unblocking the solar plexus. Wear on your person or place over the solar plexus for solar, healing vibrations.
The Swadhisthana, or Sacral Chakra. The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with six petals.
Located just below the belly button in the lower abdominal region, the Sacral Chakra is the body’s creative center and primary tie to sexual/creation energy.
Physically: The crown is connected with reproduction.
Emotionally: The crown is linked with joy.
Mentally: It is connected with creativity.
Spiritually: with enthusiasm.
This chakra governs the management of our emotional regulation, sexual energy, creative drive, and intimacy.
When your Sacral Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed-off from the energy this chakra governs.
This can lead to many signs and symptoms such as…
- Lack of Creativity
- Low (or nonexistent) libido
- Pessimistic attitude
- Lack of fulfillment in life
- Stuck inside inertia
- Feeling unmotivated
- Self-sabotaging behaviors—stemming from fear of happiness and pleasure
When your Sacral Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of the energy this chakra governs.
This can also lead to many imbalances such as…
- Emotional overreactions
- Excessive attachments to people, places, things
- Codependency
- Overactive libido
- Getting lost inside fantasies
- Extreme jealously
- Excessive indulgence/addictive behaviors
When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs.
When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Feel present inside your body
- Have healthy relationship attachments
- Feel creative and inspired
- Are deeply connected to your sensuality and sexuality
- Feel emotionally stable
How to Balance the Sacral Chakra:
- Channel your creativity—allow yourself to explore any art form that calls to you (with no judgements or expectations)
- Chant “VAM”: pronounced as “vaaaaahm”—the sound that rules the Sacral Chakra
- Are deeply connected to your sensuality and sexuality
- Eat sensual or orange foods: oranges, cantaloupe, seeds, and various aphrodisiac foods
- Open your hips—try yoga, belly-dancing, or simply getting low and moving your hips
- Tap into your inner-child—try activities that you loved doing as a child
Use affirmations such as, “I love and enjoy my body”, “I have healthy boundaries with everyone and everything in my life”, and “I allow myself to experience pleasure and have my needs met.”
Sacral Chakra Morning Ritual: dance, dance, dance! Whether you move those hips in the shower, while packing lunches for kids who will later throw them away, or while desperately trying to find two matching shoes, just dance. Infuse some passion, creativity, and flow into your day right from the start.
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
With the Sacral Chakra we are exploring the suit of Wands. Now, the Sacral Chakra is also associated with the Cups but to keep things simple we are only going to look at one Tarot association per energy center. The Sacral Chakra is where passion, desire, and creativity live. For women in particular, this chakra tends to be one that requires some attention. The hustle and bustle of daily life, the guilt associated with taking time for one’s self, and the need to people please can easily (and quickly) dim the glow of the Sacral Chakra. In working with the Wands suit here we can choose to think less and act more. Do what feels live giving in the moment. Loosen up and follow the thread of desire. The Three of Wands and the Eight of Wands are two of my favorites to tap into when focusing on this energy center.
Sagittarius and Pisces are two of the Moon Signs to look out for when doing Sacral Chakra work. Sagittarius makes a lot of sense when working with the Wands suit if you are incorporating Tarot into your energy practice. Sagittarius is all fire, joy, and experience, just like the Suit of Wands. Dance, laugh, and get out into the world under a Sagittarius moon to liven up that Sacral Chakra. The Pisces Moon invites us to get dreamy. What would feel really great right now? What is my deepest desire? How could I change the world if only I could lean into that desire? BIG STUFF, FRIENDS!
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: carnelian, garnet, bloodstone, orange calcite, citrine, tigers eye
Any orange to red stone or crystal will help unblock the sacral chakra. Again, place a small to medium stone/crystal over your sacral chakra during meditation or ritual bathing. Wear or carry an orange or red stone to align your sacral chakra throughout the day.
The Mūlādhāra, or Root Chakra. . The ancient symbol for this Chakra is the image of the lotus flower with a four petals.
Located at the base of the spine and pelvic floor, the Root Chakra is the bodies grounding center and primary tie to the earth itself.
Physically: The crown is associated with sexuality.
Emotionally: The crown is associated with sensuality.
Mentally: It is connected with stability.
Spiritually: Associated with sense of security.
This chakra governs the management of our grounding, our basic needs and primal drives, and our sense of stability and safety.
When your Root Chakra is too closed, that means you’re closed off from the energy this chakra governs. This can lead to many unwelcome signs and symptoms such as….
- Feeling overly anxious and fearful
- Difficulty relinquishing control
- Living in survival mode
- Disconnecting from your body
- Constant low energy and fatigue
- Feeling unsafe in the world
- Potential physical imbalances in the legs, hips, colon and lower back
When your Root Chakra is too open, that means you have an excessive amount of energy this chakra governs. This can lead to many imbalances such as…
- Excessive greed
- Feelings of paranoia (or intense obsessive fear)
- Chronic overeating
- Hoarding and materialism
- Workaholic tendencies
- Easy to anger
- Potential physical imbalances in the legs, hips, colon and lower back
When your root chakra is balanced, that means that you’re able to freely enjoy the harmonized energies that this chakra governs. Quite literally, you’ll feel rooted in your being and in your place in the world. When this chakra center is balanced, you might notice that you…
- Feel safe and at home in the world
- Are grounded in yourself and in your body
- Have healthy relationships to food, money and material goods
How to Balance the Root Chakra:
- Walk barefoot directly on the earth.
- Chant “LAM”: pronounced as “laaaaam”____ the sound that rules the Root Chakra
- Eat grounding foods: such as root vegetables, red foods, and healthy protein rich meals
- Move your body: dance, yoga, martial arts—anything that gets you into your body
- Spend more time in nature: hiking, walking, or even just sitting outside on the grass.
- Use affirmations: such as “I am grounded in my body” or I am safe, I am whole, I am protected always.
Root Chakra Morning Ritual : sit with your feet flat on the floor and imagine all of your worries and fears for the day pushing right down through your feet into the floor and down into the earth beneath you. Take a sip of your beverage of choice while stating that you are abundant, safe, and fully supported (you can even pause to do this without the beverage first thing in the morning and do this as soon as your feet hit the ground).
Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:
With the Root Chakra I love to work with the Pentacles Tarot Suit. The Root Chakra is representative of the physical world around us, material goods, how safe and secure we feel in this lifetime. Our childhood experiences, familial and societal influences, and early beliefs influence the energy that we hold in our Root Chakras. When we look at the story of the Tarot we see the Pentacles as telling us about our journey through building wealth, a sustainable life, and the ebbs and flows of that adventure.
Exploring our connection with the moon is an invaluable tool in our lives. So much reflection, knowing, and space comes from slowing down and living on lunar time. When the moon is in Aquarius or Capricorn, I feel pulled to dig into Root Chakra workings more fully. This might look like setting boundaries around time, decluttering, or making sure that my work life is in order. I want to examine how I’m viewing my material world and what memories and belief systems I am applying to it.
Unblocking Crown Chakra with Crystals: obsidian, red jasper, hematite, ruby, tigers eye
Any black or red stone is useful in unblocking and healing the root chakra. Place a small to medium size stone directly over or nearby your root chakra while bathing, resting, or meditating. Allow enough time for the crystal’s energy to lend to your own.
These articles also will bring you some enlightment. The Body Clock & Stages Of Life
Want to find out what your Astrological Horscope Forecast for the year is?.
If you want to know what is happening for each month, astrologically speaking, I make a Monthly Forecast, so you can navaigate yourself through the stars. You can always find this information in my group on Face book. Join The Lighthouse Group on Facebook. (Always under the Announcement tab.)
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Divine Direction by Mia is an online service dedicated to providing simple and profound guidance to those looking for clarity and direction on their life journey; and others who are interested in learning about the practical applications of Astrology.