Communicating With Guidance



What are they?

Who are they?

Do I have one? How do I know?

How do I open up my connection to my Guide?

There’s a lot of information out there on this topic and it can be extremely overwhelming to sift through.

So, here is a super short list of 3 Things You Need to Know About Spirit Guides:  

1. There are many different theories as to whether or not you have actual different Guides over time or whether it is all part of your energetic Self that is appearing in the form that you need at that moment.  Some believe that spirit guides are not a fixed thing. They believe that just as you change and grow from one day to the next, your Guide or Guides may change.  Personally, I don’t think it matters which you believe to be true. If you’re feeling like you are seeing owls left and right or you’re suddenly seeing the name of a Goddess all over the place that you’ve never thought of before, or you’re seeing a specific name over and over again. Follow that thread and speak to it.

2. We are all capable of receiving information from Spirit Guides but we aren’t all especially great at actually hearing that information. Our egos get in the way, logic gets in the way, and the busy world around us keeps us from slowing down long enough to hear. Strengthening your intuitive muscles is a great way to open yourself up to truly hearing your Guide, but, in the meantime, simply ask for a sign. You can start by asking for a sign that your guide is present. State what sign you will be looking for and then keep your eyes peeled!

Once I asked to be shown a blue ribbon and instead saw blue robin’s eggs on the ground in three different places over two days (both places I have frequented in the past 9 years and had never seen a robin’s egg before). It dawned on me that that could be my ‘blue ribbon’. I said, is this my sign that you are present? I didn’t see anymore robin’s eggs after that and took that as confirmation! Be open.

3. Asking other people or seeking readings to determine who or what your Guide is can be extremely fulfilling, helpful, and confirming. But, there are always layers to these relationships and energies so know that you may receive differing information in the future or may suddenly feel like a connection has shifted.

This reading is a powerful way to get the answers and positive boost you need to empower you to more deeply express and live your life purpose, tap into solutions, and reach your goals.

Discover how many Spiritual Helpers or (Guides/Angels) you brought with you this lifetime and how you can consciously experience their support and wisdom. I will pass along techniques to keep your energy cleansed and positive, as well as how to have a clear two-way communication with your team of guides. No one can “buffalo” you again once you learn this wisdom. You can always check with the highest source looking out for you!

This really opens the door to experience life on a whole new level.

During this session you will learn the basic facts of your spiritual communication system:  You will have empowering tools to expand your communication with your angels. You will learn a tool for clearing your vibration. Knowledge of these truths enables you to banish stress in your life and stay relaxed in any situation. Respect for yourself and others becomes second nature.


Anywhere from 45-60 minutes.

Sessions done in my studio or via Phone-call (515)-577-5243

You may be assured that Spirit communicates in a universal way & we do not need to meet in person for it to work.

You will receive a call from the number listed above at the time of the appointment. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, you may call or text the number above.

Related Services: determing Your Psychic Gifts   Energy Modalities:Emotion Body CodeHypnotherapy, Access Bars Therapy & Chakra Balancing


You’ll schedule time and date, in my Studio, or Remotely.

REMOTE SESSIONS ONLY— I will call you at ‘our’ scheduled time. I will only wait 5 minutes past your designated time for you to call back, at which point you will be considered a no-show and forfeit your payment. Please be on time.

  • We will discuss any of your questions and then jump into the session!
  • Our session is very laid back and conversational, and it is also confidential. 
  • Please keep in touch if you’d like! I love hearing how things that came up during your reading and how things play out. I just love hearing from you, period! My Contact Info.


1. How do I receive information?
I receive psychic information in pretty much every way. Most often, I may see an image in my mind (clairvoyance), hear a word or phrase (clairaudience), or there will be just a knowing of the information I’m supposed to share (claircognizance). I sometimes will also feel sensations or emotions (clairsentience).
2. How long have I been aware of my psychic ability?
Since I was a little girl, I am a third generation Wiccan. Read more about me, on my About Me Page.

Take the journey…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

This reading does NOT substitute for legal, psychological, and medical advice. By Law, it is stated here that these readings are for entertainment only. 

* Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.  Every product/service I sell is subject to interpretation. My products/services are not meant in ANY way to replace the professional opinion/help of a DOCTOR, healthcare professional, lawyer, or anyone of authority. If you are experiencing any type of illness, it is your obligation to seek professional help. The law requires items that fall into the realm of paranormal are to be sold for entertainment purposes only. I do not take responsibility for the actions, ideas or thoughts of any of my clients before, during, or after the use of any of my products/services. You must be 18+ to purchase this product. Because each product is made specific to client, no refunds or exchanges allowed. Thank you & Blessed Be