TAROT READING: Body/Mind/Spirit



So, I have created my business based on these principals. And my Mind & Body Tarot Readings is for just this purpose. This really helps balances and activates your energy to its full potential.

I start of with the BODY.

 5 minutes, Chair massage – this five minutes is all it takes for me to get a feel for your energy. Of course a little relief from your tension and stress, Never hurts. As I am massaging you I am paying attention to your body. Scanning the different meridians, the basic chakras and your energy zones.

The MIND comes second, with the tarot reading, Basically what area of your life needs attention. 

End with SPIRIT, I use Sound Healing. Ohm musical tone. Because our bodies are 70-80% water, the human body is a great conductor and resonator of sound. A Sound Healing helps reduce stress and inflammation, lower blood pressure, promote deep and balanced breathing, ease joint pain.

This will be scheduled in my Studio.

Please contact me with any questions you might have before purchasing! ♡Astro Mia


  • You’ll schedule time and date, in my Studio, or Remotely.
  • I’ll send you an email within 48 hours  to provide you with the information for our session.
    • IF A REMOTE SESSION~~~Before our call, you’ll write down a few questions or areas of your life you want me to focus on during your reading. You do not need to let me know what it is before our call.
  • Once we have coordinated a time and date. I
    • REMOTE SESSIONS— I will call you at ‘our’ scheduled time. I will only wait 5 minutes past your designated time for you to call back, at which point you will be considered a no-show and forfeit your payment. Please be on time.
  • We will discuss your questions or areas of focus and then jump into the session!
  • Our session is very laid back and conversational, and it is also confidential. You can feel free to ask questions or share whatever you’d like with me!
  • Please keep in touch if you’d like! I love hearing how things that came up during your reading play out. I just love hearing from you, period! My Contact Info.
  • I would recommend waiting at least 1-3 months between readings on the same topic, to allow things to unfold as they need to.
  • What is Tarot?
    • Tarot is a form of cartomancy – a psychic technique in which divination cards are used to understand the past and the present, and to predict the future. Tarot cards are powerful tools that translate your realities into pictures. Through the people, the places, and the emotions depicted in the cards, a tarot readers see your past, present and future side by side. They see solutions and the best course of action.  In a tarot reading, a specific card layout is called a Tarot Spread. Each spread has a different number of cards and each card has a different meaning based on where it falls in the spread.  The most popular Tarot Spread is the Celtic Cross Spread. Celtic Cross is a ten-card spread that shows the main issue in your life, your hopes, fears, information about the people and energies around you, possible outcomes, and what you should be doing. Depending on the issue at hand, I may choose more cards to explore an area further.


1. How do I receive information?
I receive psychic information in pretty much every way. Most often, I may see an image in my mind (clairvoyance), hear a word or phrase (clairaudience), or there will be just a knowing of the information I’m supposed to share (claircognizance). I sometimes will also feel sensations or emotions (clairsentience).
2. How long have I been aware of my psychic ability?
Since I was a little girl, I am a third generation Wiccan. Read more about me, on my About Me Page.

This reading does NOT substitute for legal, psychological, and medical advice. By Law, it is stated here that these readings are for entertainment only.