Chiron- You are here for a reason.

Let’s talk about Chrion the wounded Healer…..Chiron is know as the Wounded Healer. Its placement in our astrological birth chart is where we find our core wound, the theme of

March Dreams 2022

Hello My Darkling’s, March 2022 is the month where we have 0 retrograde inner planets and the green light to move forward with our goals and plans. In fact, until

Moon Magic

There is nothing more important than self-love.  While I admit, I love to hate Hallmark movies, I am one who believes whole-heartedly in the power of self-love.  When we love
On Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 we have a Full Moon at 27° Leo.  This Full Moon is as Leo as it could possibly be.  It may feel that the whole world
February 2022 is an active month of balancing out our mental acuity with our emotional understanding. A lot of changes will begin to occur this month after lots of stalling and

Harmonizing to the Waning Moon

As we progress towards our next New Moon, (which will be in the sign of Aquarius) the part of the lunar cycle we are in now is known as the

The Story of Imbolc

The Story of Imbolc Imbolc arrives on the Wheel of the Year with the warmer days of spring on the horizon. Although the ground may still be cold, the plants

Cancer — A random story of healing

I have a story to share— no disrespect intended to anyone with a cancer diagnosis as I can only imagine, the sober look on a doctor’s face as they relay

Protection & Healing Rituals

When the road gets weary, when you feel out of alignment, when you need a little boost, rituals of healing and protection can help support you on your journey. It’s

Release Ritual

Use this ritual to release anything that is no longer serving you. This could be negative thought patterns, bad habits or unhealthy attachments.  You will need: ▽ Pen and paper