
Me: hello goddess Goddess: Hello … Me: I’m falling apart. Can you get me back together? Goddess: I would rather not. Me: Because I? Goddess: Because you are not a

Astro-Mia Thoughts on the Eclipse 2020

On December 14th, we have the last eclipse of 2020. This Solar Eclipse is here to provide a healing balm of truth serum filled with inspiration and hope. This final
Astro-Mia Thoughts On December 29/30th, we have the last Full Moon of 2020, a beautiful and healing Full Moon at 8 degrees of Cancer. It is time to come back

Astro-Mia Thoughts on the Solstice

On December 21st, the powerful day of solstice. Yes, Get ready. This aspect will completely change the trajectory of our civilization as we know it. A major awakening connected to

Astro-Mia Thoughts Update

Hello My Darkling’s, I wanted to write a little update since I’ve been receiving lots of messages from you all. We are now in the “eclipse portal” which happens in
Are you ready for some magic and light. On November 29th/30th, we have a massive and fated Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees of Gemini. Lunar Eclipses are like Full Moons

Weed Magic

This is awesome… Weed Magic Joint in one hand, magic in the other. I am a weed witch, The High Priestess of Smoke. Guardian of the unconscious, practitioner of the


The following is a Smudging Technique that you can try. But remember – this is POWERFUL MEDICINE and you should be open and understanding of the entire experience. What: Smudging

Astro-Mia Update

Hello my Darkling’s. The energies at the moment are very intense. I’ve been receiving a few messages from you all. Lots of folks are super emotional and are feeling all
On November 15th, There is a New Moon and this will be one of the most powerful and healing new moons of the year! I would say we have earned