Book of Shadows (Journaling)

Journaling! Many witches like to journal or start a new book of shadows, or grimoire, each year. We hear about it all the time as a manifesting tool and personal

Magick & How to Find It

Magic. What is magic? Is it real? Where do you find it? To me that is a simple question, with a simple answer. Magic is in everything. And, it’s everywhere.

Self Love + Ritual

Self-love. Self-love seems so unattainable, doesn’t it? With a world full of social media and trends- our universe has made it practically impossible to be your true self. We are

Psychic Tips

One of my fondest memories as a kid was getting to go to the public library and getting a book. I loved to read, and disappear in the adventures of

Spirit Guides, Angels

Every time I sit my magical butt down and start scrolling through Facebook, a post pops up about Spirit Guides. What are they? Who are they? Do I have one? How do

The Importance of Grounding

Have you ever walked barefoot? Then you have surely felt a direct connection with the earth below your feet. “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work

Candle Magic Tips

One of the easiest ways to make some everyday magic in your life is through candles. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, materials…it can be kind of overwhelming! Let’s

Understanding Your Birth Chart

Astrology has many layers and it can be confusing when you are beginning to work out how it all fits together. When I first started learning astrology, I would hear


On February 17th, 2021 Saturn is square Uranus – this is the first Saturn-Uranus square in a series of 3 between now and December 2021. Alignments between Saturn and Uranus are


Hello my Darkling’s…On February 11th, The energy has completely shifted. Perhaps you have already noticed the shift… but you may still be unsure about what this Aquarius energy is all