August 2021 Monthly Forecast

August where the days are still long and sun-drenched, the landscape is in full greenery, and we’re beginning to feel the shift into harvest season, a time when we experience

Detox Ritual

The tools below are what is included in my Detox DIY Kit, use your intuition to choose a suitable replacement item from mother earth and your personal collection. Elemental Stone:


Creating your own incense is a marvelous way to include intention into your practice! Here’s a recipe specifically for lunar happenings in an air sign:  Aquarius, Libra & Gemini 3

The Full Moon in Aquarius

Eyes to the sky, My Darklings, a Full Moon is upon us! As the moon moves through Aquarius on July 23, this is a terrific time to focus on matters of emotion

A money drawing oil recipe

What is a money drawing oil?  Money drawing oil is basically a magic oil. In the ancient art of witchcraft and in magic, they are used for many purposes, such
On July 9th/10th, we have the watery and emotional New Moon at 18 degrees of Cancer.  The New Moon is a super amazing time to step back and look at yourself. It’s

Self Care Massage Library

I have you sent here for some client education. Dr. James Mally is a massage teacher, educational content producer, and creator of Hands On Healing.  This is one of the

Bath Soak Your Troubles Away

If you have ever had a massage from me I often have recommend for you to take an Epsom salt bath when you get home. Many people don’t know why

Moon Milk Ticket to Dreamland

Drinking Moon Milk is like climbing under a down comforter with Miles Davis. Warm, and real smooth. Sometimes drinking a cup of Moon milk is a part of my evening

July 2021 Month Forecast

Welcome to July 2021! July 2021 will be a time of integration, trust in your own intuitive guidance and an awareness of your tender spirit and heart. If things have