The Body Clock

As a massage therapist I hear from my clients a lot about thier sleep and many of my clients have reported that they fall asleep easily, but wake at the

The Stages Of Walking the Spirtual Path

One of the goals of anyone walking a spiritual path is the ability to receive messages from the spirit world and communicating with spirits. We all come onto this path

Transmute Energy

Transmuting is the process, where using intent, you change something negative (in this case, energy) into something positive. When you are dealing with energy, everything is about intent. Let’s start

Fire Cidar

Fire Cider is a herbal folk remedy popularized by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, but has been made for generations as a general health tonic, and is especially helpful to boost immunity

Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil has sooooo many health benefits! Below are instructions to DIY DIY Castor Oil Pack Instructions:  Materials needed 1 bottle Castor oil Please note: Castor Oil that is packaged

Let’s Talk Herbs!

Eye of Newt, toe of a frog, wool of a bat, and tongue of dog…While these may not be the ingredients today’s witches use, there are some GREAT everyday herbs

Journaling, Grounding & Shadow Work

Are you having a hard time letting go of old ways of thinking that are holding you back from new ways of thinking and being. Are you feeling super drained

September 2021 Monthly Forecast

Welcome to September 2021! You have now made it to the 9th month of this challenging and volatile year. Congratulations! Healthy boundaries and an open heart is what this next

Improve Your Sleep

If you need to improve your sleeping patterns, try this sleep ritual for 3-5 consecutive nights. Do this sleep ritual for 3 or more consecutive nights, to reprogram your sleeping

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Last Year with the outbreak of Covid -19- I posted this in my group on Facebook, that was before, I had time to create my website. So as we are