Magical Salt Blend



“Salt. What a clever little white witch,” Winifred Sanderson nearly admitted defeat when Alison drew a circle of salt around her for protection. We all know and love Hocus Pocus,.

Why salt?  Salt is one of the most powerful ingredients in a witch’s arsenal.

Salt Magick: The way you use salt in your practice is completely up to you and only limited to your creativity and preference. Here’s just a few witchy ways to use salt:

  • In Kitchen Witchcraft: salt flavors food, tenderizes meats by way of osmosis, draws out spiritual impurities, cleanses and protects 
  • Spread salt over your thresholds and windowsills to absorb negative energy and ward off spirits
  • Encircle your house or sacred space as a protective barrier
  • Bowls of salt placed around the home absorb bad vibes
  • Cleanse crystals and other tools by placing in a bowl of salt
  • Sprinkle a tablespoon of salt to the bath to cleanse the aura and aid in healing
  • Add a tablespoon to moon water to increase its purifying effects
  • Encircle your candle spells with salt to contain the energy and protect from negative energy
  • Add salt to spell bottles, bags, jars, and herbal pillows
  • Include salt in your foot soaks or baths
  • Incorporate salt in your magical sprays to cleanse the home and sacred space before ritual

With over twenty-five years under my belt making medicine and teaching about herbs,  to family and friends, I was urged to share my knowledge and products.   I’ve come up with a few of my favorites medicinal herbs that address common ailments.  I’m thrilled to share the bounty of wild medicinals and edibles with you! I have tinctures, syrups, poultices and salves…. if there is something particular, let’s talk.

This is for 8 oz of My Magical Salt Blend

****This salt has been supercharged by the power of the moon, making it stronger for your magical needs. 

*Legal Mumbo Jumbo: For legal reasons, Magical items sold online must be specified as for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any Magical item and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult your Dr. before begin the use of any herbs or herbal remedies. ** While I have provided suggestions on how to use my Magical salt Blend, please keep in mind results may vary per individual and always use caution when trying a new herb. Enjoy my Magical salt Blend recommendations, and perhaps explore your own ways to incorporate it into your daily and magickal lives!