It is not easy to love the body you’ve got.
Ask any person about their body, they will point out something that isn’t quite right. Most people struggle with their body image and want to change at least one aspect of their physical self. Many can present a pretty long list of problem areas, and would like a complete overhaul.
We want to be thinner, or curvier. We wish we were taller, or shorter. We’d like to have more hair or curly hair or thicker hair or finer hair. We want bigger breasts or larger penises or flatter stomachs or thinner thighs.
Negative body image is a serious problem, affecting individuals in all areas of life. We all have bodies of different sizes and shapes that are special and truly beautiful. We are not a one-size fits all world.

Hypnosis may help you start loving the body you got.
We have whipped ourselves into shape, or felt we “should (fill in the blank)….” time and time again. We may have gotten results—for a while. Or fallen deeper into shame when we didn’t. Yet the only way to create lasting change is from the inside out. And the way to change from the inside is by going through, cleaning up the debris, and tending to our core self with our own special mix of awareness, acceptance, and self-love.
Using hypnosis, we will reprogram the way you think we will take a deeper approach to food and body issues. Go beyond the latest fad or quick fix to the core issues of weight, body image, and self-love: generational patterns, false messages, emotional wounding, and self-limiting mind-sets.
- Are you tired of the constant battle with your body/
- Have you dieted time and time again, only to not lose the weight you wanted or gain it right back?
- Are you struggling to manage food cravings and destructive eating patterns?
- Do you wonder why you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try?
- Do you frequently make lifestyle choices that you know are contrary to your best interest?
- Are you critical and self-judgmental when you look in the mirror?
- Have you quit looking in the mirror?
- Are you ready to be free—free of the remorse, the shame, the effort, the big question: What’s wrong with me?
- Are you finally ready to get out of your way and let your body find its own natural shape and beauty?
Time to reclaim your beautiful self!
Keep in mind that hypnosis itself doesn’t change people—instead, it helps rid them of the real or imagined barriers to a healthy outlook and returns them to their joyful selves.
Below is a fairly detailed list of issues which hypnosis may be able to address if one of them is affecting you.
Weight Management Motivation
- Banish Fast Food
- Boredom Eating
- Comfort Eating
- Eat Slowly
- Enjoy Healthy Cooking
- Keep Weight Off
- Lose Your Sweet Tooth
- Low Carb Diet
- Stop Binge Eating
- Stop Emotional Eating
- Stop Night Eating
- Stop Snacking
Healthy Eating
- Anorexia Treatment
- Bulimia Treatment
- Drink More Water
- Gain Weight
- Picky Eater
- Portion Control
- Stop Drinking Soda
Ask yourself, ” How much better, happier and fulflling would my life be if I could effectively remedy this/these problem(s)?”
What are you waiting for? I hope you will schedule a Hypnosis Consultation with me, I can help guide you, through uncovering and healing resistance, finding what it is you really REALLY want …. You will transform.
Yes. Remember that hypnosis is a natural state of mind that you already experience a few times every day. And in case you’re wondering, no, you can’t get “stuck” in hypnosis.
All hypnosis is guided self-hypnosis. Hypnosis’s primary aim is self-healing and self change. My role is to assist you in achieving the natural states of mind where healing and change best happen. When paired with a client’s belief and desire to change, hypnosis is a useful and powerful tool for tapping into the awesome power of the human mind. Together we will address the issues you’d like assistance with. I look forward to facilitating sessions that will best meet your needs, that will help you through any blockages or hurdles that stand in your way, and that will assist you in achieving your goals in life!
It has been said that “If waking is white, and sleep is black, then hypnosis is gray.” Hypnosis is an ordinary, natural state of consciousness, that we move in and out of, every day. Think of making your way home and not noticing the last few blocks? How about losing track of time and place while caught up in a great novel? And what about, on a day off, that feeling when you wake at the normal work time, and realizing that you don’t have to be anywhere, you fall back in the bedclothes and just feel a wonderful, dreamy feeling….not completely awake, but not asleep either. That state, is hypnosis.
The subconscious mind has been called ‘the other 90% of the mind.’ It is the seat of our emotions, of imagination and dreaming; it’s where the involuntary functions of the body are regulated, such as circulation, digestion, and cell regeneration. It is also the memory bank or super-computer that stores and catalogues all of our experiences, life long. In addition to this, the subconscious is the dynamo that directs our energy, and maintains all habitual behaviors.
Hypnotherapy is known as ‘brief therapy’, as it most often takes a brief number of sessions to reach desired results. The number of sessions needed to resolve an issue varies, according to the individual and the type of concern. One may only require four or five sessions’ work for an issue to shift. The therapeutic use of hypnosis is a process — a systematic approach to changing or updating out-of-date or unhelpful thoughts, belief systems or habitual behaviors in the subconscious mind. There is no magic wand, or switch I can switch to ‘fix’ you. I am committed to seeing that we begin with the least number of sessions necessary to affect the change you want.
How quickly can I expect results from hypnotherapy?
The stronger your desire and commitment, the sooner you will see results. There are other factors of course. Some problems are easier solved than others. Many people will quit smoking the first time they have a session, some will take longer. Phobias may often be dealt with in just a few sessions. But problems in which core issues need to be dealt with obviously would take longer.
Private Sessions
You arrive at my office and we have a seat in my therapy room. We do some necessary paperwork, and then take time to get to know each other a little, and talk about the issue at hand. When we are both ready, we begin the process of hypnosis — you make yourself as comfortable as you’d like to be, and I help you to relax into the pleasant state of hypnosis. I’m trained in using my voice to help you to enter hypnosis. Once you have reached the depth of hypnosis that you feel comfortable with, we begin the work. I give you purposeful suggestions to help you accomplish what you want to do, and your powerful subconscious mind takes in the suggestions that will be useful to you. When the session is coming to a close, I prompt your subconscious to accept those suggestions that will be useful to you, and use them for your best interest, and let go of those not useful to you. When you are ready, I proceed to bring you gently and brightly out of hypnosis.
Afterward, you may feel quite rested and refreshed, as if you’ve had a much needed nap. Many people report that, the night following a session, they sleep better than they have in years.
Telephone Sessions:
First, we take some time to speak about your issue on the phone, prior to booking our actual hypnosis session. Then, I prepare a session specifically for you and your issue. At a pre-arranged time, I telephone you, and after a bit of further discussion, we begin the hypnosis session. It’s best that you use a head set for this type of session so that you may completely relax, without having to hold a telephone receiver. You will want to make yourself comfortable — either seated or reclining on a sofa, chair or bed. You may want to get cosy with a blanket or throw, as our body temperature changes a little while in hypnosis, like it does when we sleep. Since hypnosis takes place within the mind, this is a very natural situation, and some people actually prefer to be in their own homes to experience hypnosis.
And always remember, whether the session takes place in person or on the telephone, you are able to be aware of what is being said and how the session is progressing. Hypnosis is not a loss of awareness, it’s more a focused awareness.
Will I be aware of what’s happening while I’m in hypnosis? Yes, in fact, within the hypnotic state we are actually hyper-aware of what is going on around us.
Absolutely not! If an idea or suggestion is presented that does not ring true with you in hypnosis, you will reject it in your mind — sometimes even removing yourself from hypnosis immediately.
No, you can not. If you were conducted into the hypnotic state, and then the hypnotist left you alone, you would eventually just emerge on your own from hypnosis, much the same way we emerge from a nap.
It’s unlikely that you will find yourself ‘clucking like a chicken,’ following a hypnotic session. In cases of stage hypnosis, where the hypnotist has given an entertaining suggestion to audience members, they comply because they are willing, just for the fun of it. If the hypnotist invited people onto the stage to help them feel happier, they’d be unlikely to get another booking for the entertainment value!
Absolutely not! Occasionally in television or film, writers may include a fictional representation of hypnosis, where things happen that do not happen in real-life, true hypnosis. You cannot be hypnotized without your consent and agreement.
Hypnosis has nothing to do with magic, metaphysics or religion. It is merely the most graceful, and effective method we can use to make purposeful, positive change in our lives.
People who are of average and above intelligence and who haven’t any brain damage may be hypnotized. Those who may have difficulty achieving the hypnotic state include people under the influence of heavy narcotics, those who suffer from psychosis or who have some form of physical damage to the brain. As far as is known, the only others who may not be hypnotized are those who don’t want to be hypnotized.
There is no “correct” answer. Some people seem to experience immediate and obvious positive changes to their emotions and behavior. But the majority of people simply feel very relaxed, calm, and curious about what will happen next.
Often a client will comment “Well, that was an interesting experience, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen next.” Consequently the client may go through their normal routine for the next few days, and in the next session report how “odd” it’s been, because things have been going “differently” without them thinking about it. The changes have felt quite natural and normal.
We’re very careful not to vocalize specific expectations. It’s impossible to predict exactly how you will think or feel in the future. Any differences between what you experience and what you were told to expect may cause you to ignore obvious signs of progress.
Unreasonable or imaginary expectations may cause problems, not only in terms of what will happen after a session, but also in terms of how smoothly the initial hypnotic induction process goes. You’ll probably have no difficulty with the process, but if you go into the experience thinking that it is supposed to go a certain way, it almost certainly will not.
My best advice is: Expect to succeed, but please leave all other assumptions about “how hypnosis is supposed to work” at home.
Hypnosis Healing sessions can be held in-person, in my studio, Facetime, Messenger or over Zoom.
*** This is not intended for replacement for standard (allopathic) medicine, which has its place in the dianosis and treatment of disease. Any unusual, persistent or sever symptoms should be evalued by a physician. The natural treatments suggested here can affect different people differently, occasionally producing adverse reactions. If a condition fails to respond to these treatments, you should consult a physician to see about another course of action. *** **
*This will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of western medicine but is part of the whole. Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.