Soul’s Purpose Astrology Map




I will provide you with a map of your soul purpose, helping you understand why you have the obstacles you have and how to move past them to accomplish the mission you came here to pursue. Astrology is the map of the soul. It is the cosmic way of understanding the universe, all things, and ourselves.

The Lunar Nodes known as our North & South Nodes are not planets but mathematically calculated points directly opposite each other on our birth chart.  The nodes are points in space where two different orbits intersect: the orbit of the Moon around the Earth and the Sun’s orbit as it appears to move around the Earth. The point at which these two orbital paths cross is where we find the north node and the south node.

Your South Node is a karmic point on your chart representing your most recent past life – what you mastered in your previous life and therefore a point of comfort or ease in this life but also a point of potential stagnancy. Our South Node is what we gravitate towards and what we often come back to. Our South Node represents the skills you already have that you have mastered and they are therefore easy to express. It’s your comfort zone and you can see it as part of your ancestral lineage or past life karma (depending on your beliefs).

Your North Node is a very special point in your astrology chart, especially for Soul Purpose Astrology. It is the point of your soul purpose or ultimate journey in this lifetime. Your North Node path won’t always feel easy, true and often will not feel comfortable – but it is where your essential happiness and sense of purpose will be found. The North Node is also about our Karmic Path in this lifetime and the lessons we came here to learn. It’s about our Soul Mission (as opposed to the often Egoic journey of our sun) but like our sun it will be a place of expansion.

With the Lunar Nodes we can know whether we’re destined for experiencing difficulties in our path that lead us towards our lessons or whether we can achieve what we came here to do without much difficulty.   We learn how to live our best life as well as understanding our karmic lessons and why we might fall back into old ways or be afraid to step into our power.

The lunar nodes are predicated on the concept of past lives and karma so ultimately some level of belief in this concept is required to fully apply soul purpose astrology in your chart and in your life.

I will dive deep into, and guide you through,  the lunar nodes in your natal chart.

  • I will shed light on what is your ultimate journey is in this lifetime, your soul’s mission!

Your path won’t always feel easy, true and often will not feel comfortable – but it is where your essential happiness and sense of purpose will be found.

  • I will provide you with the information about your Karmic Path in this lifetime and the lessons you came here to learn. To what it is that we were truly born to do in this lifetime.

Makes an excellent gift for a friend or loved ones.

– I need your Full Name, Date of Birth, City you were born in & estimated time if possible
– I will e-mail it to you within 2-3 business days in PDF format

Please note: Once purchased you will receive an email/text from me verifying your Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Location of Birth and Current City/State/Country of Residence for the astrological readings.

Please contact me with any questions you might have before purchasing! ♡Astro Mia