Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. These trapped energies are in your muscles, your organs, your connective tissue, your joints, etc. Our body is a living history that keeps a record of every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced.
Are you stuck in time caused by a traumatic event(s) in your life?
I will connect with your energy field to receive messages about where you are in your life and clarity around decisions. I will look to the energetic root of any problem that you have.
If an energetic pattern presents, we will work together to heal any energetic blockages in your field. We will work together to heal the energetic wound.
Each session is uniquely tailored to you and what you most need at this time. A session will help you move forward with clarity and direction.
My goal is to identify the underlying causes of your physical or emotional concerns, then release them!
During Your session we may encounter: Energy that can become Crystallized, Illuminated or Fluid.
- Illuminated Energy– opens the energetic pathways, drains toxic emotional deposits, and releases energetic imprints.
Illuminated Energy is known as a dense, chaotic energy. It is intelligent, it can hide or change form so that you can’t easily remove it. This energy may appear as fears in your thoughts and behaviors, and they may cause patterns of avoidence or confrontation. Typically these root fears deal with issues survival, such as scarcity, safety, personal power, sexual desire and addictions.
Other energies that can be in your field and are not included in this service.
- Crystallized Energy– a pocket of crystallized energy from a physical or psychic attack in this lifetime or a past life. The removal of these pockets and severing of the energetic chords will free your energy to flow as it was meant to so that you can soar in life.
- Fluid Energy– heavy energies that attach themselves to you and feed off negative patterns, addictions, and your life force. If you’ve ever felt like there was something “other” in you or attached to you, this may be your answer. It is a drama-free exorcism that frees those energies and returns them to the light.
- Depossession Psychopomp– an energetic being that is from another dimmension that has attatched to you. It is a drama-free exorcism that frees those energies and returns them to the light.
This session is for the removal of Illuminated energy Only (chaotic ennergy). If your unsure of what you need, let’s do a consultation to decide which service will be best for you.
60 minute session.
Sessions done in my studio or via Phone-call (515)-577-5243
You may be assured that Spirit communicates in a universal way & we do not need to meet in person for it to work.
For a remote session you will receive a call from the number listed above at the time of the appointment. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, you may call or text the number above.
60- Minutes- .
My clients say after a this session the feeling of Peace & sheer Relief is Profound.
Energetic Imbalances are responsible for the majority of pain and disease that afflict us. Some emotional life experiences that can cause trapped energy are:
Divorce or Relationship Problems, Negative Self Talk, Financial Hardships, Home or Work Stress, Loss of a Loved One, Long Term Stress, Neglect or Abandonment, Negative Self Talk, Physical Illness of Yourself or Loved One, Physical, Trauma, Physical, Mental, Verbal or Sexual Abuse.
Negative Energy were a contributing factor, and many times the entire cause of these conditions and diseases:
ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Allergies, Asthma, Autism, Acid reflux, Autoimmune issues, Back pain, Bell’s palsy, Bipolar disorder, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Diabetes, Depression, Dyslexia, Eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Heartburn, Hip pain, Immunity issues, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Joint pain, Knee pain, Low back pain, Low Self-esteem, Lupus, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Neck pain, Nerve pain, Night terrors, Nightmares, Panic attacks, Paranoia, Parkinson’s disease, Phobias, PTSD, Self-sabotage, Shoulder pain, Sinus problems, Social anxiety, Suicidal thoughts, Tennis elbow, Thyroid problems, Vertigo and Weight issues.
*** This is not intended for replacement for standard (allopathic) medicine, which has its place in the dianosis and treatment of disease. Any unusual, persistent or sever symptoms should be evalued by a physician. The natural treatments suggested here can affect different people differently, occasionally producing adverse reactions. If a condition fails to respond to these treatments, you should consult a physician to see about another course of action. *** **
*This will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of western medicine but is part of the whole. Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.