

These sessions are designed to get your mind, body and soul connected to help the body orient itself slowly toward a state of resiliency and recovery. Emotional anguish can get “tied up” in the body and needs to be released. I may use one or more of these techniques: Energy Work, Acupressure, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy, Empowerment Coaching, Intuitive Massage, Stretching, and Oracle Readings.

This healing session includes a balancing of the chakras, meridens and clearing of heavy energies and an extraction of crystalized energy. The healing session will usually involve another tool or process that is determined through consultation prior to or during the healing session. 

Energy can be Crystallized or Illuminated.

  • Illuminated Energy– opens the energetic pathways, drains toxic emotional deposits, and releases energetic imprints.
  • Crystallized Energy– a pocket of crystallized energy from a physical or psychic attack in this lifetime or a past life.  The removal of these pockets and severing of the energetic chords will free your energy to flow as it was meant to so that you can soar in life.

Illuminated Energy is known as a dense, chaotic energy. It is intelligent, it can hide or change form so that you can’t easily remove it. This energy may appear as fears in your thoughts and behaviors, and they may cause patterns of avoidence or confrontation. Typically these root fears deal with issues survival, such as scarcity, safety, personal power, sexual desire and addictions.

Crystallized Energy is energy that has hardened into your energy field in time. It orginates from people’s negative thoughts that are directed to a person energetically. They become powerful when fueled by the sender’s anger, jealousy, hatred or revenge. This energy gets embedded in one’s energy body at a spot that is targeted. It can remain stuck in your energy field for a long time and cause physical pain, weakeness, injuries, or emotional distress.


more emotional, a little bit “off”, or even physically unwell?

Just like your house gets junked up with dust, dirt, and other debris when it’s due for a deep cleaning, the energy that moves throughout your body is the same way. Energetic blocks, attaching onto the energy of others, even stress and trauma you’ve experienced can store itself within your body and wreck all kinds of havoc on your system.

This is a common occurance for everyone and doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. After all, we are all made of energy, just like everything else on this planet, so it only makes sense that sometimes, shit gets out of whack.  Yet despite the fact that every single one of us on the planet will experience this countless times in our lifetime, taking care of our energy isn’t something that is commonplace in our society.  Oftentimes, we end up feeling the symptoms and finding various ways to mask the discomfort, without ever taking care of the true root cause.

This is just one of the many reasons why energy clearings are such an important part of your Spiritual upkeep, and your upkeep as a human being on this planet in general.


Your body doesn’t mess around when it comes to sending you messages that something isn’t right.  But are you picking up on its SOS call?  If you’re energy is in need of a tune-up, you might experience any of the following symptoms… 

  • Declining Mental Health

Energy blocks can manifest in your mind as depression, stress, anxiety, confusion, trouble concentrating, or even boredom.

  • Physical Aliments

You may experience energy blockage through physical aches, pains, and discomfort such as headaches, muscle pain, an upset stomach.

  • Weight Issues

You might find yourself eating out of boredom or “eating your emotions” – OR you may go in the opposite direction and be unable to eat due to anxiety or stress.

  • Stagnation

You may find that indecision, a lack of drive or motivation, and procrastination can begin to plauge your daily life and come between you and your goals.

  • Realtionship Problems

You may notice petty disagreements, miscommunication, and discontentment flaring up in your most treasured relationships.

  • Spiritual hardships

You may feel disconnected from Spirit, unable to trust your intuition, or feel like your Spirit team isn’t listening or worse, is non-existent.

Give yourself the gift of letting that heaviness shift and lighten up in all areas!



In the simplest terms, energy clearing is moving the negativity energy out and ushering the positive energy back in.  


Typically, 2.5 hours.


With routine energy clearings, you’ll notice all improvements in every aspect of your life, including… Body, Mind & Spirit.

BODY-You’ll feel stronger and more in-tune with your body and how it’s feeling. Removing energy blocks leads to feeling more energetic and well-rested during the day, having an easier time falling asleep at night, and a reduction in the aches and pains in your muscles and joints.

MIND-You’ll spend your days feeling less stressed and better equipped to handle challenging situations whenever they do arise. You’ll have more focus, greater happiness, a decrease in anxiety and depression, and an overall increase in your mood and mental capabilities.

SPIRIT-Negative energy can leave us feeling closed off from Spirit, the Universe, and ultimately ourselves as well. When your energy starts flowing, you’ll feel connected to Spirit on a deeper level, better attuned to the world, and more in-touch with your intuitive senses.

***Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that.Legal Statement: Results may vary and spellcastings are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only.***

*This will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of western medicine but is part of the whole. Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.