Heart Brew Tea



The Heart Tea is my own unique proprietary blend of herbal tea.

The heart tea is a conduit for receiving love energy. With an open heart, we are able to receive an expanded capacity for intuition and love. This tea helps the healing of the heart chakra, one may experience a boost in energy, positivity, love, compassion, and an increased sense of connected-ness to life. I have had great results with this tea, and people suffering from anxiety.

Comes with an inspiring intention.  2-4 Servings.

An enchanting blend: Angelic Root, Hawthorn Berry, Rose petal, Linden, Calendula & Cacao.


With over twenty-five years under my belt making medicine and teaching about herbs,  to family and friends, I was urged to share my knowledge and products.   I’ve come up with a few of my favorites medicinal herbs that address common ailments.  I’m thrilled to share the bounty of wild medicinals and edibles with you! I have tinctures, syrups, poultices and salves…. if there is something particular, let’s talk.

*Legal Mumbo Jumbo: For legal reasons, Magical items sold online must be specified as for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any Magical item and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult your Dr. before begin the use of any herbs or herbal remedies. ** While I have provided suggestions on how to use Heart tea, please keep in mind results may vary per individual and always use caution when trying a new herb. Enjoy my recommendations, and perhaps explore your own ways to incorporate it into your daily and magickal lives!


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2-4 Servings $5, One Ounce of Tea Blend $18