Spirtual Clearing of You & Home




Spirits attach to people through cuts, holes, and distortions in the energy field (aura). The energy field is an outer layer of energy that emanates from every person. Cuts and holes (energetic openings) develop in the energy field from weak emotions and a loss of personal power. Cuts and holes that develop in the energy field can be either temporary or permanent. Temporary cuts and holes in the energy field are caused by fear, anger and all fear related emotions, using drugs and/or alcohol, and a loss of personal power. Personal power is lost from the use of drugs, alcohol, fear, anger, giving parts of your power away to others, and soul loss from traumatic experiences. Permanent cuts and holes in the energy field are caused by a loss of personal power on a deeper level involving soul loss/soul fragmentation.

Spirit Entities/Ghosts/Poltergeists are human souls, and soul fragments, who at the time of death did not choose to cross over to the next world, or the other side. Because they did not choose to cross over to the other side they became stuck on earth as either whole souls, or parts of souls. These earthbound souls, and soul fragments attach to the energy field (aura) of humans to maintain some type of control, and power over humans, to live through humans, and to live from the energy (life force) of humans.


Spirits and dark entities attach to people for different reasons. Spirits/Ghosts/Human Souls attach to people because it gives them a human body to occupy, an energy or soul (life force) to feed off of, and a way to live through another person. Negative entities attach to people for almost entirely different reasons.  Entities are more attracted to those who resonate at their frequency or level.

Common Symptoms of Entity Attachment:

  • Do you feel emotionally drained & tired whenever you enter into a space?

  • Constant fights? Or Bad things keep happening?

  • Do you feel headaches, nausea, and other physical discomforts whenever you enter that space?

  • Do you feel  changes in your mood: claustrophobic, panicked, anxious, or other intense emotions when you are in that space?

  • Unmotivated or Uninspired?

  • Sensing bad vibes: if you place plants in that room, even they don’t tend to bloom.

  • Do you sense strange odors coming from the room?

  • Do you struggle with Insomnia or nightmares in that room?

  • Negative thought in the space?

**Deep emotional pain, depression, low energy levels (constantly tired or exhausted), intensified levels of fear/anger/ hate/or rage, self destructive patterns or lifestyles or choices, causing harm to self or others, suicidal thoughts and/or attempts, obsessive-compulsive disorders, drug and/or alcohol addictions, unhealthy addictions, hearing voices in the mind, strange or weird thoughts that don’t seem your own, being directed by an inner voice telling you to do dark/negative or harmful things to yourself or others, severe or intensified mental illness in some people, mental or emotional instability, poor concentration, mood swings, multiple personalities, insomnia, panic attacks/anxiety, negative emotional outbursts, homicidal thoughts and/or attempts, sexual problems, phobias/paranoia, delusions, confusion, nightmares or any dark/negative or terrifying dreams or day dreams, sleep paralysis, constant negative or fear based thoughts and/or emotions, dark impulses, feeling driven to do things you know are wrong or unhealthy, waking up tired after a full night’s rest, criminal habits, violent behaviors, sexual abuse-even among those in relationships, constant mental noise (intensified unclear thinking), unexplained physical pain or problems without any known cause, negative beliefs, religious fanaticism, feeling strange sensations in the body such as: pricking sensations or electric shocks/painful shocks,cold chills around the body or the feeling of something crawling under your skin, feeling an invisible force/being physically hold you down or push you, feeling a thickness in the head area, feeling some type of invisible energy move around your body, an inability to connect with your higher soul/spirit/self, people who like to abuse others either mentally or emotionally or physically, people who are constantly in a need to have power over others, constantly lying or scheming or trying to manipulate others for self power, people who are constantly looking for trouble or problems with other people, people who like to hurt animals or pets, people who steal other people’s energy (psychic/energy vampires), feelings of powerlessness or helplessness, feelings of giving everything up, feeling your life is being controlled by something outside of yourself, loss of your purpose/path in life, loss of your power/soul/light and energy, rape, murder, torture, war, and more.


  • Entity attachments will stay with you until death unless they are removed.

  • Entities do not care about anyone on this planet and are only interested in themselves and what they can take from another person.

  • Entities want you to fear them, for if you did not fear them they would have no power.

  • Entities can destroy certain humans or help them destroy themselves, and will not feel sympathetic for them in any way.

  • Most people who have entities do not know they have them.

  • Most people with entities will live their entire lives with them.

  • Almost the entire human race is affected by entities, either through themselves or the people they are around.

  • Just because you do not “believe” in spirits or dark entities does not mean you cannot pick them up. That is similar to saying that if you do not believe in cancer you will not get it.

  • Just because you do not “feel” any entities around you does not mean they are not there, it only means you have gotten used to the feeling of them, or you are so shut off psychically you cannot feel them.

  • Entities do not want you to get rid of them, therefore they will try to keep people in fear of attempting to remove them or finding someone to remove them.

  • No matter how intelligent, advanced, spiritual, or conscious you may believe yourself to be, you are still susceptible to picking up spirits, and dark forces through the emotions of fear and anger, drug and/or alcohol use, sex, and soul loss.

  • Entity attachment is the most unknown, controversial, misunderstood, and disregarded form of energetic and spiritual illness on earth.

What I will Do for You, in this session:

  • I will come to your house and clear your space and you of any attached entities. 
  • This healing session includes a  clearing of ALL heavy energies, Curses and Depossesion.
    • Illuminated Energy– opens the energetic pathways, drains toxic emotional deposits, and releases energetic imprints.
    • Crystallized Energy– a pocket of crystallized energy from a physical or psychic attack in this lifetime or a past life.  The removal of these pockets and severing of the energetic chords will free your energy to flow as it was meant to so that you can soar in life.
    • Fluid Energyheavy energies that attach themselves to you and feed off negative patterns, addictions, and your life force.  If you’ve ever felt like there was something “other” in you or attached to you, this may be your answer.  It is a drama-free exorcism that frees those energies and returns them to the light. 
    • Curse Unravling- There are many different types of curses, and they’ve been used throughout history as a way to magical harm upon another person. 
    • Compassionate Depossession – an energetic being that is from another dimmension that has attatched to you. It is a drama-free exorcism that frees those energies and returns them to the light.

    Illuminated Energy is known as a dense, chaotic energy. It is intelligent, it can hide or change form so that you can’t easily remove it. This energy may appear as fears in your thoughts and behaviors, and they may cause patterns of avoidence or confrontation. Typically these root fears deal with issues survival, such as scarcity, safety, personal power, sexual desire and addictions.

    Crystallized Energy is energy that has hardened into your energy field in time. It orginates from people’s negative thoughts that are directed to a person energetically. They become powerful when fueled by the sender’s anger, jealousy, hatred or revenge. This energy gets embedded in one’s energy body at a spot that is targeted. It can remain stuck in your energy field for a long time and cause physical pain, weakeness, injuries, or emotional distress.

    Fluid Energy is the spirit or lost soul and an energtic body of a person. Because they are limited in what they can do without a physical body, they may attach to a person or place. This energy is fluid, which means it can move within a host’s energy field. The host may become confused and behave out of charecter when the lost soul tries to express it’s personality, beliefs, and behaviors.

    Curse Unravling can be a negative spell or energy that is directed towards a person or place. Curses can be placed intentionally by someone who wishes harm upon the recipient, or they can be the result of negative energy that has accumulated over time. There are even curses that have been around for centuries, passed down from generation to generation.

  • I will teach you how to remove energetic cords with entities and people from your home/space. 
  • I will teach you basic Energy banishing rituals for future protection with step by step instructions.

– I cast with high-quality ingredients and tools.

***Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that.Legal Statement: Results may vary and spellcastings are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only.***

Additional information

Weight 600 oz
Choose Your Casting

Base Casting Only $60, Add Moon Enhancement $160, Add Black Magic $175, Add Both $275

Select Your Option

Base Casting Only $60, Add Moon Enhancement $160, Add Black Magic $175, Add Both $275