

Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. These trapped emotions are in your muscles, your organs, your connective tissue, your joints, etc. Our body is a living history that keeps a record of every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced. Are you stuck in time caused by a traumatic event(s) in your life?

The Emotion & Body Code is one of the most Advanced Healing Systems in the World!

How does it work?

I will energetically connect to your subconscious mind and then ask yes or no type questions to find the underlying causes to the ailment or issue you want addressed. I get answers through muscle testing (aka kinesiology). Once identified I am able to release the negative energy by using a magnet and intent to release through the governing meridian. You don’t need to do anything. After a session, it is recommended to drink extra water to help your body process the release of the negative energies. Some people may experience processing symptoms such as fatigue or mood swings for a couple days.

What is the Body Emotion Code?

The Body Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in body and spirit —there are six areas that the Body Code system uses:
ENERGY: This includes trapped emotions, physical trauma energy, inflammation, negative energy from other people, subconscious beliefs and more.
CIRCUIT OR SYSTEM: This includes chakras, meridians & the circuits or systems of the organs and glands of the body.
TOXIN: This includes dental toxins, heavy metals, food or drug toxins, electromagnetic radiation, excess stress hormones and environmental toxins.
PATHOGEN: These are tiny organisms such as mold, parasites, fungus, bacteria, Prion and BioFilm.
MISALIGNMENT: This can be a misalignment of the bone, muscle, organ or gland, usually due to trapped emotions.
NUTRITION OR LIFESTYLE: This includes magnetic energy deficiency, lack of sleep, dehydration, nutrition, essential oils and supplements.

My goal is to identify the underlying causes of your physical or emotional concerns, then release them!

Energetic Imbalances are responsible for the majority of pain and disease that afflict us. Some emotional life experiences that can cause trapped Emotions are:

Divorce or Relationship Problems, Negative Self Talk, Financial Hardships, Home or Work Stress, Loss of a Loved One, Long Term Stress, Neglect or Abandonment, Negative Self Talk, Physical Illness of Yourself or Loved One, Physical, Trauma, Physical, Mental, Verbal or Sexual Abuse.

Trapped Emotions were a contributing factor, and many times the entire cause of these conditions and diseases:

ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Allergies, Asthma, Autism, Acid reflux, Autoimmune issues, Back pain, Bell’s palsy, Bipolar disorder, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Diabetes, Depression, Dyslexia, Eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Heartburn, Hip pain, Immunity issues, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Joint pain, Knee pain, Low back pain, Low Self-esteem, Lupus, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Neck pain, Nerve pain, Night terrors, Nightmares, Panic attacks, Paranoia, Parkinson’s disease, Phobias, PTSD, Self-sabotage, Shoulder pain, Sinus problems, Social anxiety, Suicidal thoughts, Tennis elbow, Thyroid problems, Vertigo and Weight issues.

What to expect after session: Most people say the Emotion/Body Code helps them feel lighter and more free, but we often see the immediate disappearance of major health and emotional issues too! Your results will depend on how quickly your body responds after they are removed. Releasing Trapped Emotions helps restore balance to the body and bring it to your natural state of health. This helps the body recover gently from your ailments and gain a stronger immune system too!

Your body has an incredible ability to bounce back and heal itself from all kinds of stress, trauma, and illness. This ability is dependent on the right conditions; if your body is imbalanced, it won’t be able to heal itself as well as it should. Most people are in this kind of state and suffering in some way, but the good news is that this process is often completely reversible. Every kind of imbalance that is affecting your body can be found in The Body Code. This is the most direct and powerful way to make conditions right for healing, when your body is balanced, you’ll experience better health.

🦋How a session is done🦋

1- Once you’ve put your order through, I’ll message you to get your name and birthdate, and the top 3-5 issues you are currently struggling. Also rate each issue on a scale 1-10, how bad each issue is (1- barley bothers you/painful 10- very much bothers you/painful)
2- Before I start the session, I connect with my higher power & guides to guide me in this session & then request to form an energetic connection to my client.
3- Once this is established, I use muscle testing & my body surrogate to find the trapped emotions and body imbalances that are causing your issues. I will release as much as your body will allow in a session, usually this is 8-20 emotions/imbalances.
4- From there you can message me questions about the session & let me know if your pain or symptoms have lowered or have been relieved all together. Some conditions can be relieved in one session and some may need a few more sessions, depending on the layers of negative emotions/trauma causing the symptom.
5- We will need to wait a few days or up to a week (depending on how long your body processes) to do another session (if your ordering another session).

What I Will Need from You for remote healing session:

• Name of the person needing the treatment
• Country
• Date of birth
• Picture ( optional but better )

Please note that this is a service and not an item.  This is a LIVE healing. We will set an appointment, for when you want to receive the healing, I will send you a message after you have made your purchase. Please choose a quiet time and place for your appointment, comfortable clothes and a blanket if you feel you need it. This is a time for nourishment for you, make the best of it.

Sessions done via Phone-call (515)-577-5243

For a remote session you will receive a call from the number listed above at the time of the appointment. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, you may call or text the number above.

Legal disclaimer: emotion code / body code healing is not a substitute for medical advice or psychotherapy. I am not a medical doctor nor a psychotherapist, and energy healing is not a medical diagnosis nor a medical treatment. Body code and emotion code is simply alternative, supplemental care.

This service time will vary.  Package deals available and recommended.

Discovery Body Emotion Code Phone Call; Complimentary

1 – Body Emotion Code Phone Session Phone Call or Email Sessions for $45 Your subconscious mind is a super computer that knows everything that is contributing to your issues. Using The Emotion Code & Body Code we will find and clear the root causes of your physical and emotional issues by tapping into the wisdom of your subconscious mind.

5 – Body Emotion Code Phone Session Phone Call or Email Sessions for $200 This is a prepaid package that you will schedule your five sessions as you wish. I will give you the number of days after each session that your subconscious mind says that it needs to recover and heal from each session. (This is a savings of $5 per session.)

9 – Body Emotion Code Phone Session Phone Call or Email Sessions for $315 This prepaid package is fantastic for people that are ready to commit to truly helping themselves with this powerful work. You will schedule your nine sessions, each after your last session. I will give you the number of days after each session that your subconscious mind says that it needs to recover and heal from each session. (This is a savings of $10 per session).

 Disclaimer: By engaging in any inquiry or by scheduling an Emotion Body Code Session with Mia Hudson/Divine Direction, I do hereby acknowledge that The Emotion Body Code or any other type of Energy Healing, by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. None of the work or information provided by Mia Hudson or the content or links provided or through are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or medical conditions. The information provided by Mia Hudson or referenced on is not a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional or veterinarian. I understand that I will NOT be personally meeting Mia. She will be testing remotely.

If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.

Related Services:  Hypnotherapy, Access Bars Therapy,  & Chakra Balancing.