Astrology Chart



Get your astrological birth chart, also known as you Natal Chart. This is the location of the planets in the sky in your location at the time of birth. This will give life long indicators based on various transits that come up as planets move and interact within your personal chart.

What does this Reading include?

– Birth Chart Wheel

Makes an excellent gift for a friend or loved one who is seeking self-knowledge.

– I need your Full Name, Date of Birth, City you were born in & estimated time if possible

Please contact me with any questions you might have before purchasing! ♡Astro Mia

Please note: Once purchased you will receive an email/text from me verifying your Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Location of Birth and Current City/State/Country of Residence for the astrological readings.

Format: Phone Call, Facetime or Zoom

There are some informative articles on the Natal Birth Chart.