Ancestor Healing


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When I say the word, Ancestors, what pops into your mind? There are so many ways to describe these guides. There are ancestors of our blood, of place, of time—and the wisdom they carry is different in each area. This is a HUGE topic and area of study. I’m going to simplify it for our purposes, but if you’re serious about connecting with your ancestors, you’ll want to learn how to do it properly.

First things first, our Crossed-Over Loved Ones are also ancestors, but I divided it up because how you work with them can be slightly different and your intentions may be different. There are many names for the types of Ancestors you’ll encounter, but here are a few categories that exist:

  • Blood Ancestors. These ancestors are via your DNA going back through the generations. They include your loved ones, but also people who you’ve never met. Your family tree will be a great place to start in terms of understanding who falls under this category for you.
  • Ancestors of Place/Ancient Ancestors. This is where areas bleed together. These ancestors would be your people who lived back in the country that your line came from. If your family immigrated from a specific country and lived there over generations, you would have ancestors that would help you get in touch with those practices and that culture. However, you can also go back even further to your ancient ancestors. These are ancestors that those previous ancestors came from—think of it like go back to when your people lived 10,000+ years ago to tap into their wisdom and knowledge.
  • Ancestors of Time. Totally different category of ancestors all together. These are not blood ancestors, but ancestors from all of your different lives and incarnations. These ancestors will help you tap into the wisdom of your relationships from those lives. It’s definitely a different pool of knowledge and important one, but don’t go skipping over your current life wisdom in pursuit of this. Our present life is the biggest influence and you want to honor those blood ancestors fully—even if you don’t feel connected to them.

Working with your ancestors will help you heal familial lines, uncover belief systems passed down from generation to generation, and connect to wisdom and knowledge greater than yourself. These are such an important group of guides to connect to!

Ancestral healing can help release negative beliefs, programs, and patterns inherited from our parents, ancestors, and religious upbringing.

Ancestral healing addresses issues not just through mental reframes, relieving the emotional self, shifting energy, or making changes in our external lives — but also on the deepest level of our being. That includes the mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, and physical levels.

Changes are then made from the deepest core — at the root source — that ripple out into all our relationships.  Every cell in your body remembers both the wisdom and the trauma of your ancestors — even if your conscious mind doesn’t.

The famous Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, said, “If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”

Our ancestors bring vital support to fulfill our potential here on Earth, and, through involvement in our lives, also further their own growth and maturation in the spirit realms. Our ancestors can become a tremendous source of healing, empowerment, and nourishment in our everyday lives. 

Science has proven how trauma is inherited through the study of epigenetics — it is proven that traumatic memories are passed on through our genes, and these genes can be turned on or off.

Reclaim your power, own your worth, and step into radiant confidence.

Are you ready to heal at the root source?

Unlock the ancient wisdom and gifts of healing within you.

I will guide you through  a mediation and we will make direct contact with the spirits of your ancestors.

Sessions done in my studio or via Phone-call (515)-577-5243

You may be assured that Spirit communicates in a universal way & we do not need to meet in person for it to work.

You will receive a call from the number listed above at the time of the appointment. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, you may call or text the number above.

*** This is not intended for replacement for standard (allopathic) medicine, which has its place in the dianosis and treatment of disease. Any unusual, persistent or sever symptoms should be evalued by a physician.  The natural treatments suggested here can affect different people differently, occasionally producing adverse reactions.  If a condition fails to respond to these treatments, you should consult a physician to see about another course of action. *** ** 

*This will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of western medicine but is part of the whole. Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.