What is a Medical Intuitive?
A medical intuitive has intuitive abilites to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition through the use of insight rather than modern medicine. A holstic approach that takes in account mental, emotional and social factors rather than just foccusing on the symptoms of a disease.
How can a Medical Intuitive Help you?
Every physical illness aslo involves an emotional component. When others in the medical profession can't 'find anything wrong' Medical Intuitives are trained to sense the trapped emotions that are causing your physical symptoms.
What to expect in a Medical Intuive Session.
I will connect with your energy field to recieve messages about where you are in your life. I recieve messages as pictures and words from your promient guides. I will look to the energetic root of any problem that you have.
If an energetic pattern presents, we will work together to heal any energetic blockages in your field.
How is it done?
Can a Medical Intuive on the other side of the Country, or even the other side of the planet, read your physical body, find the root causes to your sickness and really help you developthe best path to your healing?
I know whats it feels like to go from doctor to doctor, only to turn up with no answers. So the answer is YES!
That's why I now help others, just like you to get to the root of their health issues with Medical Intuition. I have always been intuitive. As a young girl, I just knew things about people. You can read more about me, under the About Me tab.
I have spent over a thousand hours studing with various teachers, Spirtual Practioners, Vibrational Teachers and Hand-On-Healers.
I am an expert in metaphysics, vibrational work and energy healing.
How to work with Mia
Let's connect and let's explore how I can help you.
Please Text: 515-577-5243
or email
Please allow up to 48 hours for a respose.