Astrological  forecast- reading the important aspects so you can navigate the stars.

On June 24th, 2021 we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a beautiful Full Moon that will give us a renewed sense of faith and optimism.  The Full
The 2021 New Moon in Gemini is happening on June 10 and packs a punch with the addition of a Solar Eclipse.  Have you glanced at the important astrological days

June 2021 Forecast

If you are feeling a bit bored, or not challenged enough, then June 2021 is a month to look forward to. Your life will start to get a bit eventful,
On May 29th, Mercury turns retrograde at 24 degrees of Gemini until June 22nd.  Get ready for this retrograde we will experience all kinds of mental mayhem, business challenges and travel
On May 26th, we have the massive and important Total Lunar Eclipse in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. Not only is this a Total Lunar Eclipse. It is also a

May 2021 + Forecast

May 2021 is a month of mixed energies and great potential for change and progress. It’s a funny mix.. earth and air. We will have a solid footing for at

April 2021 + Forecast’s

April 2021 is a month of wishes and to introduce you to unlimited possibilities and magic. April’s energy wants you to take a chance on something larger than yourself.  A
On March 28th, 2021 we will have a Full Moon in Libra opposite the planets in Aries, this is going to be one of the most intense Full Moons of

Astro-Mia Thoughts 3/19/21

On March 20th, we have the beginning of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Happy Vernal/Autumn Equinox and astrological new year

Astro-Mia Thoughts 3/12/21

On March 13th, we have a New Moon in Pisces.  The New Moon in Pisces will be the most romantic and healing moon of the year. This energy wants to