Astro-Mia’s Thoughts comes from my Facebook post, in the Lighthouse group. They are to help shine some light on the astrology cycle we happen to be currently experiencing.

December 2023- The Wind of Change

Welcome to December 2023! pat yourself on the back my Darkling’s! You have made it to the end of 2023! An accomplishment of celebration if you ask me.  This December

November- The Hero’s Journey

In November, good things come to those who dare. But let’s take a look at the most important astrological events of the month: November 4th, 2023 – Saturn Goes Direct

October- New Horizons

It is that time of the year’ when we’re compelled to explore the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us. Ok, my Darkling’s let’s take a look at

September-Balance & Renewel

Finally  there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The energy this month iwll give you the drive and determination to follow your heart, and do what YOU want,

August 2023 – Inner Awakening

We begin August 2023 with a BANG of intensity and the culmination of events and situations…Time to get in touch with our heart – with what really matters to us.
July 2023 promises lots of emotion, action and blasts from the past to reappear if by MAGIC! This month is asking that you roll with these upcoming changes and invite

September- Time to take a breath!

September 5th, 2022 – Venus Enters Virgo In the next weeks, Venus in Virgo will teach us how to be more pragmatic and “use” our feelings to achieve something concrete.
On July 9th/10th, we have the watery and emotional New Moon at 18 degrees of Cancer.  The New Moon is a super amazing time to step back and look at yourself. It’s
On June 24th, 2021 we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a beautiful Full Moon that will give us a renewed sense of faith and optimism.  The Full
The 2021 New Moon in Gemini is happening on June 10 and packs a punch with the addition of a Solar Eclipse.  Have you glanced at the important astrological days