Ancient Wisdom

Energy Treatments

  • Access Bars Therapy $75
  • Chakra Balance $125
  • Body/Emotion Code Therapy $75
  • Aura Cleanse $120
  • Cord release $95
  • Crystal Energy Healing $95
  • Personal Energy Healing $200
  • Spiritual Clearing of Your Home $600
  • Akashic Reading $120
  •  Ancestor Healing $120
  • Animal Talk Healing $135


Host A Gypsy Party

tarot reading and gypsy mia hudson

A home party, readings hosted in your home. Great fun for any occasion. Ask for details, and earn free readings as a hostess.

Read more about having a Gypsy Party
Email me for more info:

Readings: Intuitive & Tarot

Intuitive Reading: $95.00
This reading is better suited to explore whole areas of your life, it tunes into your energy. I will use Tarot cards, Witch Stones, Crystals and a Witches Bridle to give you a magical reading of wisdom and guidance.

 Card Tarot Reading: $90.00- $150
Complete with pictures and detailed written interpretations, will be sent to you. Choose from 3 Card, 5 Card or 10 Card Reading's.

Determine Your Psychic Gifts:  $95
You have psychic abilities. We all do. Some of our psychic gifts are more pronounced than others, but we all have them

Discover Your Spirit Animal: $75
Finding your spirit animal can radically change your life in countless, positive ways. Working with your animal spirit guide’s ‘energy’ or ‘medicine’ can help enhance your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual abilities.

Medical Intuitive

Medical Intuition is very insightful. It’s more than just a health scan. Using Medical Intuition, I am able to see what the root cause for your symptoms are, what emotions are holding them in place and what needs to be done to release them.

Transform yourself- become the BEST version of yourself.

Classes and Workshops

  • DIY Spirit Water: $33.33
  • Egg Cleanse $25
  • Elemental Guide 33.33
  • Red Thread Class $25
  • Heal Your Inner Child - 5 Week Course
  • Wheel of the Year- 12 month Class
  • Wild Medicine 
  • Goddess Rituals 6 MONTH CLASS

Custom Spell Kits: $50.00 and up.
Describe your needs and I will customize a kit specifically to fit your needs.