

Bad things happen all the time for no reason, that is life unfortunately. 


Throughout history, Shamans have worked with healing the effects of sorcery and curses. This is as much a part of our modern culture as it was a part of ancient times. Sorcery often affects us in the form of a curse, but can also include Love Spells, Soul-binding promises and other seemingly benevolent types of Spell-Casting from our current life or a past life.

Sorcery is defined as any harm directed to ourselves or others, as well as willfully and energetically trying to control another: The abuse of power even with good intentions, the over-riding of another person’s free-will…

Curses often present as repeating unhealthy patterns like: Compulsive thoughts, a feeling of being under attack, feeling bound to another person or place against your will, chronic financial woes, frequent accidents, injuries, illness or other types of repeating “bad luck”. Some of these patterns can be rooted in past-life events or are passed down through the family lineage. Sometimes sorcery can be a family projection that we have taken on and embodied; “She was the black sheep of the family.” The target child fulfills the family projection of failure or not fitting in. In addition there is self-sorcery, curses that are negative thought forms which we fuel and perpetuate on ourselves.

With curse unraveling the Shaman, through visioning and journeying, tracks to the original source of the curse, un-couples it, and unravels it through time out of the client’s energy field, then refills the client’s luminous field with healing light to repair any damage left from the curse imprint. This healing unbinds the client from the energy that was sent.

Signs You May Have been Cursed

  • Sudden burst of unfortunate events or bad luck in your life. Things just start going wrong and it’s affecting your whole world. Everything from stubbing your toe, to dropping things, to getting in a wreck, to getting sick and so forth – it’s all going wrong.
  • Are you drained all the time to the point even sleep doesn’t satisfy that tiredness. This includes mentally, emotionally, physically and so on – you are just drained, literally exhausted and it came from out of nowhere. Each day it feels you just get a little more tired – you started taking naps, you find yourself zoning out more and more and it’s just not a happy time in your life. 
  • Sudden financial difficulties. This is unlike you – you’ve always been really careful and mindful about what you spend yet lately the bank account is going empty, money just seems to go before it ever even makes it to you. You work hard, you think you are saving up yet when you check your accounts there never seems to be enough to get everything done.
  • Are you having very vivid and scary nightmares. You usually don’t have them yet lately they have been constant – every night. Nightmares are common when you’ve been cursed because those dark spirits are pushed to you and they feed on fear. Causing you nightmares definitely can cause huge amounts of raw fear. 
  • Are you having depressing or even suicidal thoughts in your mind. This is unlike you and it’s not your personality at all. For some reason though, you can’t seem to shake these thoughts and they just really start building up. This is a common sign in a real curse because the whole point of the curse usually is to ruin your life, to knock you down and make you miserable. If you’re generally a positive person and all the sudden the dark thoughts have been pounding your mind when there is no obvious reason for it.
  • Family and friends start distancing themselves from you for no reason. There was no fight, you did nothing wrong and this literally just seems very random. This is a common sign in being cursed because the curser wants to get you alone, they want to seclude you and make you feel less than wanted. People can curse for countless different reasons such as anger, jealousy, because you wronged them and so on. 
  • Constant sense of anxiety – there is no reason for it either. You just feel a sense of impending doom all the time and it’s ruining your life. Nothing bad has happened, nothing is really going wrong in your life yet you just feel the sense of anxiety nonstop.
  • Are you finding broken glass on your front step, or in your front yard. Broken glass is a very common tool in curses, it’s used in all different types of curses and spells. So if you see broken glass around your home and it definitely is out of place, it could be a sign of  a curse yet the same thing goes for chicken bones. Chicken bones are another common tool in dark magic.
  • Strange animal occurrences are frequently happening around you. Animal familiars are used to ‘spy’ on the ones they cast the curse on. I have some clients who this has happened to. Animals are very sensitive to energies, and because of their psychic links with humans, they can be used to ‘look’ through just to keep tabs. Animals dying or going missing are also signs of dark magic. Have you had a pet start keeping tabs on you that doesn’t belong to you, or has your pet become ill or died out of nowhere?
  • Are your guides flat out telling you. The messages can come in different forms. Whether it’s seeing signs on TV, hearing them on the radio station, your ‘gut’ is telling you something is wrong or whatever the case. Usually if you ask your guides to confirm the warnings they will. So if your intuition is flat out telling you that you’ve been cursed then odds are you have been. Guides will not lie to you.
  • If you are absolutely in love with your partner, you two have never really gotten into any fights and you find your relationship all the sudden flat out dying or falling apart. This can be a sign you’ve been cursed because let’s face it. If there are no reasons for the relationship to be falling apart yet you just feel like you’re being pushed away, someone may not want you two to be together. Jealousy, greed, lust – they are all low vibrations and will cause people to do down right evil things.

There are many more signs of being cursed from strange objects on your property, random negative thoughts, missing personal items, bad omens and so on.  I can go on and on the list is long yet if any of these things are happening to you then odds are you’ve probably been cursed. While curses can ruin a life there is always a way to get rid of them. 

**Deep emotional pain, depression, low energy levels (constantly tired or exhausted), intensified levels of fear/anger/ hate/or rage, self destructive patterns or lifestyles or choices, causing harm to self or others, suicidal thoughts and/or attempts, obsessive-compulsive disorders, drug and/or alcohol addictions, unhealthy addictions, hearing voices in the mind, strange or weird thoughts that don’t seem your own, being directed by an inner voice telling you to do dark/negative or harmful things to yourself or others, severe or intensified mental illness in some people, mental or emotional instability, poor concentration, mood swings, multiple personalities, insomnia, panic attacks/anxiety, negative emotional outbursts, homicidal thoughts and/or attempts, sexual problems, phobias/paranoia, delusions, confusion, nightmares or any dark/negative or terrifying dreams or day dreams, sleep paralysis, constant negative or fear based thoughts and/or emotions, dark impulses, feeling driven to do things you know are wrong or unhealthy, waking up tired after a full night’s rest, criminal habits, violent behaviors, sexual abuse-even among those in relationships, constant mental noise (intensified unclear thinking), unexplained physical pain or problems without any known cause, negative beliefs, religious fanaticism, feeling strange sensations in the body such as: pricking sensations or electric shocks/painful shocks,cold chills around the body or the feeling of something crawling under your skin, feeling an invisible force/being physically hold you down or push you, feeling a thickness in the head area, feeling some type of invisible energy move around your body, an inability to connect with your higher soul/spirit/self, people who like to abuse others either mentally or emotionally or physically, people who are constantly in a need to have power over others, constantly lying or scheming or trying to manipulate others for self power, people who are constantly looking for trouble or problems with other people, people who like to hurt animals or pets, people who steal other people’s energy (psychic/energy vampires), feelings of powerlessness or helplessness, feelings of giving everything up, feeling your life is being controlled by something outside of yourself, loss of your purpose/path in life, loss of your power/soul/light and energy, rape, murder, torture, war, and more.

This healing session will include the balancing of the chakras and clearing of heavy energies which may include an extraction of energy. Usually the energy that is involved is eithier Crystallized, Illuminated or Fluid, or all 3.

  • Illiminated Energy-opens the energetic pathways, drains toxic emotional deposits, and releases energetic imprints.
  • Crystallized Energy– a pocket of crystallized energy from a physical or psychic attack in this lifetime or a past life.  The removal of these pockets and severing of the energetic chords will free your energy to flow as it was meant to so that you can soar in life.
  • Fluid Energyheavy energies that attach themselves to you and feed off negative patterns, addictions, and your life force.  If you’ve ever felt like there was something “other” in you or attached to you, this may be your answer.
  • Curse Unravling- There are many different types of curses, and they’ve been used throughout history as a way to magical harm upon another person. 

Illuminated Energy is known as a dense, chaotic energy. It is intelligent, it can hide or change form so that you can’t easily remove it. This energy may appear as fears in your thoughts and behaviors, and they may cause patterns of avoidence or confrontation. Typically these root fears deal with issues survival, such as scarcity, safety, personal power, sexual desire and addictions.

Crystallized Energy is energy that has hardened into your energy field in time. It orginates from people’s negative thoughts that are directed to a person energetically. They become powerful when fueled by the sender’s anger, jealousy, hatred or revenge. This energy gets embedded in one’s energy body at a spot that is targeted. It can remain stuck in your energy field for a long time and cause physical pain, weakeness, injuries, or emotional distress.

Fluid Energy is the spirit or lost soul and an energtic body of a person. Because they are limited in what they can do without a physical body, they may attach to a person or place. This energy is fluid, which means it can move within a host’s energy field. The host may become confused and behave out of charecter when the lost soul tries to express it’s personality, beliefs, and behaviors.

Curse Unravling can be a negative spell or energy that is directed towards a person or place. Curses can be placed intentionally by someone who wishes harm upon the recipient, or they can be the result of negative energy that has accumulated over time. There are even curses that have been around for centuries, passed down from generation to generation.

These sessions average 2-3 hours. 

***Services I provide are NOT intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions, or to be used in place of qualified medical care. Always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner for all physical, mental, and emotional conditions. If you are feeling suicidal or at risk of harming yourself or someone else, please seek professional help immediately. My services are not designed to help with critical situations like that.Legal Statement: Results may vary and spellcastings are not guaranteed to be successful. Use my services at your own risk. For entertainment purposes only.***

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Weight 600 oz
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Base Casting Only $60, Add Moon Enhancement $160, Add Black Magic $175, Add Both $275

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Base Casting Only $60, Add Moon Enhancement $160, Add Black Magic $175, Add Both $275