Copper Tensor Rings


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Your handmade ring consist of a adjustable copper hoop consisting of 2 wires twisted & connected back to each other, cut to cubits, (frequency MHz). This energetic hoop is a super conductor. It creates a torus field, a field of light which flows in both directions, as a double positive stream of light energy that heals animate objects. This ring
heals the body & is used to raise the frequency of water.
Copper is known to help reduce inflammation, arthritis, headaches, and improve digestions.

Copper is also is known to stimulate energy flow and enhance your psychic abilities. It’s an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify your thoughts. It can also help you in channeling and in communicating with higher dimensional beings. Copper can also ground and move wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm. 

It helps bring the the body back into alignment by amplifing energy, it is an excellent conductor and helps stimulate the flow energy.

Choose from one of these  Healing Frequencies (MHz.)
  • Earth Green: 144 MHz
Earth Green is beneficial for all life forms. It raises the frequency of water organizing the molecules to
a high spin rate; precipitates platinum minerals; raises positive frequency charges; changes the PH of
water & remediate pain in the body, including the head, neck, back & arthritic pain. Earth Green
preserves food; helps seeds germinate; removes negativity & is used to cancel EMFs from WIFI &
computers. There are so many more uses.
  • Light Blue: 177 MHz
This frequency works on the etheric or emotional field around the body & earth. It heals emotions, clears spaces, create resonant a field to move intentional energy through consciousness. One can
use the bigger hoops to work with weather & change mindsets, as well as to remove pain &
  • Galactic Cubit Dark Blue: 182 MHz
This frequency can assist you in connecting to your higher-self, & higher realms. Brings in Galactic
  • Gold: 188 MHz
It is called the empowerment cubit, said to help those that speak of needing help with their throat or
golden chakras, by calling in chakra’s power.
  • Violet Cubit:333 MHz
This the ascension cubit associated with the Ascended Masters. It is said to change the
color of sound.

Please don’t look for machine perfection this is handmade.  This is for one (1) ring please specify (Color MHZ) prefered. May be picked up in my studio or mailed.

This is an adjustable copper ring. Suitable for both Men and Women.

Hand sanitizer, soaps & harsh chemicals can cause diminished brilliance, buildup & lack of luster, so please remove your jewelry before washing.


SOLID COPPER, not plated


*Legal Mumbo Jumbo: For legal reasons, Magical items sold online must be specified as for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any Magical item and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult your Dr. before begin the use of any herbs or herbal remedies.** While I have provided suggestions on how to use my herbs, please keep in mind results may vary per individual and always use caution when trying a new herb. Enjoy my recommendations, and perhaps explore your own ways to incorporate it into your daily and magickal lives!