Florida Water



This isn’t just any ordinary Florida Water, my florida water is ritually prepared, blessed, charged and packaged just for you!

Florida Water is one of the staples of American Folk Magick. It is used not in only Pagan denomination but also in Shamnic and Vodoo cultures.

When the water is charged – eithier moon or sun charges– it is believed that this potion then holds the power to help banish negative energies.

  • It is also a water that is used during exorcisms, and thought form banishments.
  • It is also believed to aid in the reomval of supernatural and paranormal disturbances.

What is Florida Water used for: This list is just a beginning.

  • Addition to bath water
  • Addition to cleaning water
  • Addition to your laundry wash
  • Protection on entry doors of your home
  • Protection on windows of your home
  • Divination tool rinse
  • 7 day candle wash
  • Alter offering
  • Dream work
  • Repel Negativity
  • Anti-Anxiety releif
  • Spirit work
  • Good luck 
  • Wallet money blessing

This is for 8 oz of Florida Water

*Legal Mumbo Jumbo: For legal reasons, Magical items sold online must be specified as for personal entertainment purposes only. The desired result/outcome cannot be guaranteed as a result of using any Magical item and should not be used as a replacement for medical/professional assistance.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult your Dr. before begin the use of any herbs or herbal remedies.** While I have provided suggestions on how to use Florida Water, please keep in mind results may vary per individual and always use caution when trying a new herb. Enjoy my Florida water recommendations, and perhaps explore your own ways to incorporate it into your daily and magickal lives!