Himalayan Salt Detoxer




The Himalayan Salt Detoxer is both a pleasing, natural work of art and a powerful tool for rebalancing, revitalizing and gently cleansing the body and mind.

When the Himalayan Salt Detoxer is lit, both gentle light and warmth radiate from the smooth salt surface.

This detoxer is based on firm scientific information about detoxification processes and how to maintain optimum health through natural cleansing. The work of the Himalayan Salt Detoxer is based on the concept of Reflexology, a natural healing art based on the principle that zones on the feet correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body.

Some users of the Detoxer report actually tasting salt in their mouth. This may show that the cleansing process is moving through the body’s tissues. The Himalayan Salt Detoxer offers a unique, safe and effective cleansing process that, and can be used repeatedly to achieve many of the health benefits associated with cleansing regimens.

Using the Detoxer, before, after or during a Sound Therapy Session will aid in the healing process and integration process for your body.

What does it do?

Himalayan salt works in a number of ways:

  • The warmth of the stone causes the feet or hands to sweat, allowing the salt to purify and cleanse. Toxins are pulled out and minerals pulled in, thus decreasing unhealthy acidity. This also helps ease tiredness, aching, and symptoms of stress caused by over-exertion.
  • We can decide to use aromatherapy essential oils on your feet or hands and place them on the Detoxer to aid in getting the oils in your physical and energetic bodies to help assist you, depending on what oils you use and for what purpose
  • It is the source of many vital nutrients. Himalayan salt may contain as many as 84 natural minerals vital to health that can be absorbed through the skin.
  • When the Himalayan Salt Detoxer is warmed, the salt helps release negative ions which are anti-microbial, air purifying, and skin purifying. This promotes a sense of well being. It also purifies the air by binding with positive ions to help settle dust and allergens.
  • Like gem-quality stones, the powerful crystalline structure works by opening up energy pathways, dispelling negative energy, improving both concentration and circulation, harmonizing thought patterns while the amplifying life force. This helps to maintain health and well-being.
  • The Himalayan Salt Detoxer is the perfect reminder of healing qualities we experience at the ocean. It assists in the realignment of the body’s subtle magnetic energy field to help facilitate healthier cellular development and more cohesive thinking. Some say there is no thought or action without the presence of salt in the body.
  • The Himalayan Salt Detoxer helps to re-attune the body to the Schumann resonance, sometimes called the heart beat of Mother Earth. This helps ease nervousness, insomnia, and lack of concentration while helping to clear cancer causing free radicals from the body.
  • It is a source of natural color therapy. The orange tones calm and help you feel more secure, the yellows brighten your mind, the reds strengthen, the pink inspires loving feelings, the white cleanses and the brown tones balance and ground you.

Where does the salt come from?

  • It is found at the base of the Himalayan mountain, in the valleys between the Indus and Jhelum rivers in northern Pakistan, in one of the cradles of Ayurvedic medicine. The salt beds are 1,600 feet deep and 186 miles long.

This is a great add on for almost any service done in my studio… ask how to upgrade.

Individual session of 20 minutes.

*This will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of western medicine but is part of the whole. Divine Direction does not claim to cure any medical conditions. If you have any concerns please consult with a licensed health care provider prior to booking.