"Healing the world one body at a time."

The first law of Thermodynamics states that energy can’t be created or destroyed. It can only change its form. You are and always will be energy. We all ALL energy and with training you can feel and channel your energy for postive results.  So, I believe it is my calling to help you discover where the magic happens and start your healing.

You are not a body with a soul, But a soul with a body. Trauma doesn’t just fade into a memory, it is held in your energy, preventing you from living a holistic life. My desire is to help guide you back to a total self-truth and balance your energy within, My persepective is a balance of the spirtual with the physical.

Mia Hudson

Growing up I was always the kid that didn’t quite fit in. I had friends but was always on the sidelines of whatever social group I was in. Most likely due to my interest in the metaphysical and ancient ways. They have has always been a part of my life.

Intuitive at birth, I am a third generation witch and Wiccan healer. I had early exposure to Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Aromatherapy, Auras, Chakras, Spell's & Ritual work through my lineage I received on my Mother's side. It was during this time that I received my first deck of tarot cards around the age of 8.

My intuition guides me in my healing work, and that resonates with your frequency, which is how I facilitate the best healing possible.

It was in 2004, when it dawned on me that I had succumbed to regular life. I was a struggling single mom of two, doing all the things I was supposed to do, I had a good paying factory job,.....So, why was I so unhappy?

I was feeling stuck, I was being scheduled for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from years of repetitive motion, at my factory job. And it was during the time I was waiting to get surgery, that I went to get a massage at a local massage school.

It had always been one of my dreams to become a therapist, but now with my carpal tunnel, I couldn't even hold a spoon, or hold the steering wheel to drive a car.

I was checking out, after my massage, remarking how I wish I had been able to create a life doing something that brought such joy to people’s lives, and one of the teachers overheard me and asked me why? I explained my Carpal Tunnel, and he proceeded to touch two areas on my arm, that touch almost brought me to my knees, and definitely a rush of tears to my eyes. He than asked me, before I could even think straight from the searing pain, if I would volunteer to be a test subject for his class.

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Intuitive Reading

Sedona, AZ

Playing Chakra Bowls

“What did I have to lose,” I remember him saying, “I could always get the surgery, as It was scheduled in a few months.” So I volunteered, and I just had very extreme tight muscles. I ended up quitting that factory job and enrolled in his massage school that following fall.

I discovered, if you can find it in you to take a deep breath and try something a little unexpected, you might just find a whole new world of delight on the other side.

You see before I was chasing joy, not succeeding, and definitely not changing the world.

Fast forward to the present where I decided to share my gifts of healing, not just as a spiritual medicine woman and a licensed massage therapist but to embrace all my gifts.


I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified in Bodywork for Traumatic Injuries & Healing the Body, Certified Medical Intuitive, Certified in Access Bars, Certified Emotion/Body Code, Certified Bio-Touch Healer, Pranic Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist Practitioner  and Shamanic medicine Woman, with over 20 professional years of experience, to just name a few of my certificates. 

I have embraced Shamanism, which really has aligned with my Wiccan beliefs, the specific practices may differ; however the basic concepts are quite similar.

I finished my apprentice in Shamanism in 2023, (although it will be a lifelong journey of learning) to discover more check out my Shamanism page.  

I also created The Lighthouse Group (Changed to The Witches Light House) because it is exactly what I needed when I course corrected all those years ago.

I embrace my psychic talents, or as I like to say, "Holistic Witchy Ways," and I strive to help people be the best they can be through my healing work, and innate magic. Whether it be mind, body or your spirit.

Using an intentional, skillful, organic blending of eastern and western wellness tools, ancient philosophies, and modern science, some stardust and a little magic, we will journey back to YOU, creating the life you were meant to live.  I am merely a channel or facilitator for the healing and transformation. The process is yours and unique to you!

For instance some blockages can stem from:

In addition a healing process cleanses, balances and activities your energy to its full potential. Subsequently, a healing can help:

Discover more about my healing massage, therapies and spa services.
Learn more about my tarot reading and consultation services.

Contact me and let's explore how I can help you.
Please  Text: 515-577-5243
or email mia@divinedirection.net

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